
Scott Jones: He thinks everything is so-so.
Just saying.

I'll cut to the chase here: everything after Ten was shit.

So will "Live on Three Legs" be the porn version?

Raging Bear: He feels the rage.

I thought it sounded familiar. Good spot!

I think Djinn are from Golden Sun. Also, I second the DS's foul 3D graphics capability (outside of Dragon Quest IX and that new Okami game).

Why limit it to just Ken? Weren't they all veritable smooth crotchers?

Psssh, helicopter pilot for the win.

I used to love that song as a kid.

Have you played the first one? It works surprisingly well, albeit in a brainless "MA5H BUTT0NZ 2 W1N!!!!1!" capacity. Pretty environments, but I felt the suspense pretty much tapped out halfway through; this gave way to the dreaded recycle, which I assume was the product of developers' time constraint.

That doesn't sound like the norm for them, though (at least in my opinion) - I just read the new God of War review a couple of days ago, and while it was somewhat harsh, didn't seem baity in the slightest.

And to take it one step further, Eurogamer is awesome.

I'm just going to butt in here to speak for the masses and criticize the clunky menus, coupled with high challenge levels, that exclude the average gamer. In addition, doesn't it feel like we've played both of those games before? Archaic design elements like random encounters serve only to frustrate at the best of

Miko, then I'm afraid you're missing out. Have you seen how hawt NIS is for the PSP? Other than Disgaea 3 & 4, you're basically looking at their biggest (and arguably best) games on there, as well as pretty much all innovation. What's a used fat PSP these days, like $50?

Good point…what has the west got coming up, other than another polished entry in the neanderthal God Of War series?

Ergo my issue with NIS. For a company that's created so many handheld games, how have they missed the point on nearly every occasion?


Well, you're all right, including the doucheyness of my comment. I love video games, but I get bored with repetitive gameplay. Therefore, I often will only play one or two entries in any franchise unless I hear of innovation.

I'm up for it, but a twitter noob. I can't find any "#moon2" to follow!

Target Market?
Aren't these types of games made for frat boys and people with double-digit IQ?