Antoinette Ego

Yes, I also don't get the downvoting. I believe this is my first comment to get any of those. If you have an issue with some of my points or think I'm wrong, you should say it so we can talk about it like grown-ups. But that doesn't seem to work for some. Oh well… *shrugs*

To be quite honest, the Guy Fawkes thing didn't really bother me. I just thought about it in retrospect. Either way, I still prefer this Guy Fawkes Day plot version to the one in the V for Vendetta adaptation, which wasn't a particularly good movie.
I'm pretty bad at grading Sherlock episodes and the excitement of

Apparently that feature was to come back soon… Now it's been, what, two months? I'm not holding my breath anymore. Also, I really don't see where they would put that box in their cool redesign (sarcasm).

No, I'm not pinning it on her, I'm pinning it on the AV Club. I said "the AV Club has a bit of a Sherlock problem". Genevieve didn't write the previous reviews.

It's something I got used to, but it still feels like a missed opportunity. Of course her character as it is doesn't hurt the show (I hope it doesn't come across like this in my comment). Though I'm still not sure I like some of the developments of season 2, like that she slept with Mycroft and only saying it this

I agree with you, and I think that often, less is more (or can be, at least). My go-to example is Hannibal, a midseason show with 13 episodes. Or Sleepy Hollow. Both are more serials, but Hannibal combines both aspects. I think Elementary, too, would profit from that, because many episodes are good or just okay, but

I'm not sure you really need to compare these two shows, and I agree with the people who say it is questionable because the shows are so different. I rolled with the idea of the article anyways but found the argumentation to be interesting, well-written if somewhat lacking. I don't feel like the American TV model

I think this review is pretty harsh. Admittedly, I'm a big Sherlock fan and not a reviewer, so of course I'm more willing to forgive a few mistakes, but I thought this was an excellent episode, different than expected and not without a few problems. I'm also going to agree that the constant dismissal of Mark Gatiss is

"Worst show" was not an easy choice. There are complete trainwrecks like Under the Dome. Then there are vaguely ambitious trainwrecks, like Hostages and the second season of Smash. Then there are ambitious trainwrecks many people insist on are good or even great, like The Following and The Blacklist. And then there

It must be on purpose, so that we'll decline to vote next year and they can keep their power and their brandy for themselves…

The TV poll was way too hard - best new show of 2013: Rectify, Hannibal, Brooklyn Nine-Nine or Sleepy Hollow? (Vastly different shows with different - say, intellectual levels -, but all awesome new shows). Or should I pick a new show over an older, established show like The Good Wife or Breaking Bad? It seems like it

TVLine has an interview with the Kings in which they address Marilyn's pregnancy (yes, they want viewers to wonder whether the child is Peter's) and again offer their reassurance that they are not going down the Nick route again. They also say that they hope to bring Kalinda and Cary and Diane again to the forefront

A, without question. Between the last Brooklyn Nine-Nine and this, I'm having a lot of fun with TV right now.

I remember watching a pretty old adaptation when I was a kid. I live in Germany, and many well-known film adaptations of fairytales still being broadcast regularly are old Soviet productions, as was this version from 1967, I believe. I assume it isn't known and/or available outside of Europe.
The film is pretty

It's nice to see that many people are upset about this. This article made me feel like throwing up, and both what happens and what is being done about by this organization pretending to protect the animals (nothing, duh, let's cover it up) is disgusting.
What is also disgusting is how many people - also here on this

How can 2 Guest Votes not count? Like you, he/she is part of the alpha species of this planet and the lord and master of all living creatures on this planet (other than other Alpha human beings)…

I don't see how we're the animals' masters just because we're the most developed species on this planet. And even if so (though I would like to see some logical reasoning for this batshit "crown of creation" argument) , it's certainly easy to say "I don't give a fuck" if you're not at the receiving end of the violence

I agree with your last two sentences. Your first makes me think you're heartless, to be frank.
You don't have to like animals, but I think every person in their right mind should have great objections to living, feeling creatures having to perish, quite possibly in agony, just so that entertainment is being provided

B. Loved the pizza ranking, thought the Santiago/Diaz subplot was sort of sweet, and was very relieved when Gina's interview craziness paid of at the end. Other than that, a great part of the ep fell a bit flat for me. Definitely inferior to last week's episode for me. But it was still fun, B99 has yet to disappoint