Antoinette Ego

I was just going to ask the same, so finding your comment means I no longer feel alone. She is definitely by far my least favorite character. I also find her a tad unsympathetic most of the time…
I'm all for either turning her into a character that is two-dimensional at least and integrating her into the plot, or

Well, maybe. But if they would decide to cut the profiles, that would be the main thing needed - change the password. Also, the icon says settings, not profile. Not really a clue that the profile will come back, then.

I found this page solely because I googled "avclub redesign 2013".

Well, that's probably what it ends up meaning here, too, but it's not exactly how I meant it. I meant it more in the sense of smooth and even, but either way, it was supposed to be a compliment of sorts but it really isn't because I hate this redesign. At least Windows 8 has some color. Also, this is a bit sterile.

No, you sound like a person that isn't braindead.

The Windows 8 parallel immediately sprang to my mind, too. Be careful, AV Club, this is a really bad sign…

AV Club, I used to love you so much. But this has irreparably damaged our relationship. Here are the reasons:

I was going to say something about how much I enjoyed this episode, but I'm too angry about how terrible the AV Club is now, I'm sorry, but I have to be frank. First of all, this is basically Windows 8 level impractical and strange (although I got used to Windows 8, but will not get used to this design (at least not

Yes, absolutely, I agree. I'm glad the show is finally using him this much. Back in season one, he appeared in - I think two episodes?

Yes, the irony of that is blatant and I assume he wouldn't even see it that way (ironic, I mean). I'm wondering if this is going to become his catchphrase this season…

Last week, no, I don't think; but the week before that, he called Alicia "Judas" in the courtroom ("Walk away, Judas") which caused her to turn-around and deliver her epic put-down.

Well, goewinne beat me to it. Gesundschrumpfen (adjective) is seldomly used, though, you will usually find the word downsizing being used. Gesundschrumpfen (noun Gesundschrumpfung) literally means "to shrink something to health/until it's healthy". I find it to be a very euphemistic expression given what it normally

Same as me.Hmm, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree then. Like I mentioned, I'm not even sure that my not being a fan of Adèle is even all that rational, so I'll just leave it at that.

I guess that story is just a bit of mixed bag for me, however, I agree with you that the premise behind it is heartbreaking. Maybe you'll understand what I mean at the end of the season or even next week. Ditto for Thomas, though he certainly has good intentions.

Yeah, I figured. Though about what you first wrote, I was actually surprised about how many English words were used, given that the French don't really have a reputation to be all that Anglophile.

Then please refrain yourself from using any vocabulary/loanwords from French forthwith, cher monsieur.
…à propos, film noir, menage à trois, ballet, connoisseur, bon vivant, croissant, chauffeur, cliché, naive, ingénue, avant-garde, commandant, concierge, communiqué, de rigéur, marquis, déjà-vu (which sounds really

Yes, I realize that. Maybe my knowledge of what happens next influences my judgment when re-watching. Though I'm fairly certain something bugged me about it when I was first watching the series a year ago. I'm just not particularly fond of the character for reasons I'm not so sure of… (One thing I am sure of is that I

Erik, I have been trying to decypher what Camille's shirt says. The first line says "Watch it!", that's for sure. The second line ends on "ore!" And the word crocodile appears below the image. That's all I could make out.

- The tune: it's not on the soundtrack (I think I would remember that and I just went through the songs again to make sure) and it's not one of the additional songs credited at the end, so I'm left to assume that it's a short filler that was composed later or something (?). I was sufficiently creeped out by it.

I didn't suspect Myrtle last episode and found Fiona's arguments to be somewhat lacking - what with claiming Myrtle wanted to hurt Fiona via Cordelia, although Fiona has - as Myrtle pointed out - mainly shown contempt for her daughter's choices and the feelings she may have for her only become clear to us (and