Antoinette Ego

This review is better than the episode. You had me at "Friends of Witches and Warlocks Anonymous".
Also: This season is much closer to season 1, isn't it? Except not that terrible. Do I remember correctly that last season, Todd actually, you know, reviewed the show and gave it actual, justified letter grades? (Not that

Man, this show is bonkers, and I love it. This new TV season shows me how many different shades of cray-cray there actually are: Pretentious crazy (AHS), stupid crazy (The Blacklist) and fun and engaging crazy (this show).

Jeez, I only watched this episode because I read Mulan was revealed to be queer and thought that was an interesting development on this show for a change. While watching, I thought it was blindingly obvious what she wanted to get off her chest. Then I saw people on Twitter and Tumblr go, "Oh, she totally wanted to

Thank you! Now I don't feel alone anymore. I don't know, German just gets thrown into a TV series every once in a while (Lost, 30 Rock, I believe, among others), but they never seem to get it right. Between this and Supernatural's Nazi episode, I think I have suffered enough butchering of the German language for this

The show is surprisingly great fun, and Tom Mison is a treasure. 
But seriously. That German at the beginning? Fucking awful. I'm German and when that guy opened his mouth, it took me thirty seconds to convince myself that, yes, that was supposed to be German. Sigh. If you have to give me evil German guys, can't they

I think the idea for that comedy sounds awesome. I'd totally watch that movie.
On a more serious note, however, coming from Germany, where prostitution is regulated and prostitutes can obtain regular work contracts, it's a well-known point of criticism that most of the problems this law was supposed to eradicate

I totally agree with the sentiment of "I've missed this show". This was a very promising season premiere, vastly superior to last year's. I hope this is a good sign for the rest of the season, but The Good Wife is one of those shows that never has bad episodes and even in the more lukewarm ones, you'll find

Eddie did say at the beginning he wanted to apologize to his "new lawyers, Diane and Alicia"…

French "sounds like random, slurred words spoken through a mouth full of cheese"? Have you ever heard people speaking Danish?

Since I don't actually watch the show (I've tried time and again, but failed), but I like to chime in because I'm bored, a gem of a review (again, TVLine comment section - gotta love that place).

I just dropped by to present to you the most in-depth analysis of Jax's cheating that I found so far, courtesy of the comment section of TVLine:

I wish to second The Returned and Spiral. Two outstanding French series, both very addictive, well-acted and well-written (mostly, Spiral has a few lapses now and then). Only the first three seasons of Spiral are on Netflix, though. Of course, you'll have to wait to get new episodes at least until 2014.
The Returned is

I was actually surprised this is a mini-series - The Tudors retold thirty years of Henry VIII's reign over 38 episodes, but they chose here to tell twenty years over 10? This would have worked much better as a full-fledged series with a limited run.

See, I've watched the BBC version, and I can't remember seeing Max Irons' ass in close-up, or his ass in general, or any ass for that matter. From one extreme to another. (The British version was altogether pretty tame on that front.)

My father is French, but I live in Germany. Hence, I once stumbled over a lonely German copy in the library.
What I've read of the novels - a few sentences here and there - is quite difficult. Long sentences, quite a bit of uncommon vocabulary, old-fashioned language…

Yeah, I came across one of those (the German ones) a couple of years back in the library, and they looked abominable and I put them back without even looking closely enough to realize what they were. Either way, my father obligates me to read them in the original languages anyways.

My father has read those (not very surprisingly, as he is both French and a sucker for history) and is a pretty big fan of them. It's been a while since he's read them (and those novels are, well, quite old by now), but he mentioned that they are tightly written, suspenseful, pretty detailed and with a narrow focus

They are not really trying to pretend they're not Australian. The kids on the show that I recognized from Dance Academy speak with their natural accents that I am used to hear from them. Some of the adults also clearly have Australian accents. The exception would probably be Rachel Griffiths. I think this show is set

Yep, about the German translation.
For me, the X-Files episode took the cake. In the chalkboard gag, Bart writes "The truth is not out there". In Germany, the X-Files slogan was translated with "Die Wahrheit ist irgendwo da draußen", so they should have translated the gag with "Die Wahrheit ist nirgendwo da draußen."

You can see it that way, of course… And that could be interesting, too. But I just kind of wish they had just said "Now we've put Derek in this position, and now we're going to go through with it." That would have been pretty bold and would definitely have shaken things up.
Maybe it's saying something about my