Antoinette Ego

I'm a little torn about this episode. I loved the ambition and that Teen Wolf has grown confident enough to play around a bit and try new things. But this felt like too much. In the end, I felt that the episode title "Frayed" more accurately describes the storytelling, realization and tension of the episode rather

I dropped out of season 2 sometime in the middle (I don't even know why, that happens time and again with me), and now caught up on the show over the past week. Downside: Now I'm kind of obsessed again. Upside: I have a pretty good comparison to last season.

Especially after Isaac strolls into Scott's room, soaking wet and looking like an abused puppy (which he is…)… I read some comment about this episode claiming " 'Scisaac'  just became canon" (this is a fucking horrible ship name, in my opinion)
What Allison needs right now is a direction her character's gonna take (or

I loved that joke. It's kind of an example of the "improved Scott", though, isn't it? Because I can't remember that he seemed like a guy to pull such a joke in the previous seasons. And his face was adorable (Tyler Posey is adorable. This season more than ever. It's the haircut and the better clothes). I wanted to

He might have taken this joke as the answer to his S01E03 question "Am I not attractive to gay guys?"

What an awesome, interesting and insightful write-up. Not only in its depth, but also in its aesthetics it really does Hannibal justice.

Okay, it's a fair point. But given he had the duty of care over his frail investigator, and given the blatantly obvious decrease in Will's mental health over time, shouldn't Jack have questioned the quality of the shrink's counseling and stepped in? He could have been more thorough, instead he accepted Will's claims

This picture made me choke up again. How could anyone think a man who collects stray dogs and loves them so much that his first priority after escaping a prisoner transport is to visit them could be a psychopath (looking at you, Jack Crawford)?
Also, the scene where Will is in the FBI car and the dog (if I'm not

After last week's episode, I said to myself, "I'm fully prepared to give the season finale an A", and I wasn't disappointed. This was awesome. Perfect in every possible way. And it made me even more excited about next season - a completely new status quo.
When it comes to "Best Network (drama) series", Hannibal is

"Rico? Who is Rico?", was my thought when I read your comment. Then I faintly remembered the token best friend.
But to be honest, while he is kind of unnecessary, I find the other mean girl - Serena? Samantha? Sarita, I think - to be totally unbearable. So I have nothing against her being discarded even over Rico.

That's not possible, because Aria is already on The Fosters. It's easy to recognize, despite the fact that, she (called Callie there) wears super-baggy pullovers instead of crocodile leather blazers, hooker heels and earrings made from various parts of a unicorn.

Wow, this has a way better grade and community feedback than I had ever expected. I watched the pilot a while back and was a little underwhelmed - perhaps because the idea is compelling but the execution not so much, and it felt a little hazy and not very organic.

Yes, I do, too. It's quite logical. But there was a bad aftertaste in it to me - firstly, like I mentioned, the increased probability that both parents coul get killed in the line of duty, and secondly, the slightly sexist ring to it. What would people say if a woman pulled that on her ex?
I mainly dislike it because

It's been a little while, and it's more of a general statement, but regarding the show's misogyny, Misha Collins called them out for that and called SPN "gratuitously misogynistic", pointing out that every women is called a bitch and will be killed if she is a recurring character. He also noted that Charlie is only

Well, I agree that this was more of a mediocre pilot. It had the typical ABC Family music, plus the typical ABC Family young actors (Callie and Mariana look like Aria and Maya from Pretty Little Liars). Polo and Saum were solid (I liked Polo and her dry delivery especially), and Lambert was good, too. Not really sold

This was a promising season opener. I gave up on the show in the midst of last season's premiere, but I was willing to give it another shot, and it managed to reel me back in. Now let's just hope that it doesn't go down like the first season, with a fantastic start before going down the drain.

I know what you mean, that has happened to me before. Or maybe there is a trend for prosopagnosia right now.
In the episode, they didn't use the word, but I wouldn't miss the opportunity to brag a little ;)

It annoys the hell out of me because it is pronounced like the French word "malice", which of course also exists in English. But as a French-speaking person, I heard the name and thought "Ugh! What sort of name is that? Who would want their daughter to be named like wickedness?" Reminded me of the time my mother told

I really liked this episode… There were many things that I enjoyed.
I'm also always partial to psychological terms being dropped, and this one was ripe with it - (hemi)spatial neglect, altered state of consciousness, Cotard's syndrome, face blindness aka prosopagnosia… totally awesome.

Two of my three favorite shows of this season/year have now been renewed (The Carrie Diaries and Hannibal). Only one still missing is Bunheads. Oh ABC Family, if you cancel it to have two clones of Pretty Little Liars on your program, I … I don't know, I can't really think of a proper threat right now.