Antoinette Ego

I kind of think that German is still scarier than Danish. I live in Germany and have an aunt in Denmark and I always think Danish sounds weirdly cute, like a funny disease of the tongue or something. German is a really sharp language on the other hand. But I would love to hear Mads say something menacing in German,

I have been looking forward to this ever since a non-officially trailer of it has surfaced on some TV site months ago.

Weirdly, I hated this two-episode finale very much while watching and was prepared to smack it with a terrible grade, but after I had finished, I couldn't. It's really strange. I guess I'm somewhat sentimental - grieving for a show that at some point was genuinely good and had so much potential, and also being a bit

I've been looking for parallels, knowing there had to be some… And I agree with those you found.

Oh God, I'm so sorry… I totally misread your comment. That hasn't happened to me before, but I guess there's always a first time. Of course I agree with you.

Yeah, well, I disagree. I absolutely didn't feel it was ham-fisted. Mads Mikkelsen is a great actor who can pretty much play anything, be it villains or ordinary people. His work in The Hunt is amazing. His slightly alien looks might push him towards bad guy roles, although he looks completely different when sporting

Hannibal is currently the only show I follow religiously. Bunheads was the previous show before the season ended. The Carrie Diaries was my choice for some light entertainment which I had hoped would get renewed due to its potential.


I've tuned in and out of 90210 basically throughout its entire run. I would watch a couple of episodes and think "Wow, this is perfectly nonthreatening entertainment to watch sheepishly without having to think too much", but then would realize that the show was in fact nothing but a shallow if pretty scenery largely

Stop messing with my feelings by casually mentioning Bunheads so that I'll get a notification and be led to believe that it has either been canceled or renewed, sending me into a tailspin of conflicting emotions!

I shall quote: "Then Ivy got a phone call from the only doctor’s office I know that is open at 11 p.m. to tell her she is pregnant with Julia’s cliffhanger from last season."

Oh yes! Nice catch. This show is really incredible in terms of all the details you can catch, if often only during a second viewing.

I am fairly certain it is an instrumental reprise/section of the aria at the episode's beginning. The aria is Piangerò la sorte mia from the opera Giulio Cesare in Egitto by Georg Friedrich Händel. You can also heart that instrumental section at the very beginning, around three minutes in, as the camera zooms in on

Yeah, and since I'm decidedly more a tea than a coffee person, I was completely mesmerized by it.
I also thought, "Why does my tea never look like this?" Then again, I use teabags, not mushrooms. When it comes to style, you'll always lose against Hannibal.

Well, okay. Maybe not. Fair point. Still, in the Glee-verse, I'm not one to underestimate the power of wanting to do someone. Especially since Blaine's poised to propose - sounds dangerous to me. Underlying unresolved feelings aside, that throwaway moment was probably what bumped the episode up to C- for me.

Yeah, it's an illusion. You can see that she's wearing opera gloves as the camera pans over the audience to Hannibal, although in their later exchange I did catch how she looked armless, too.

I have also been thinking about all the disappearing storyline syndrome Glee seems to suffer from, and have decided to list all I can think of. Feel free to jump in, everyone, if you can think of another plot unceremoniously dumped/dropped/resolved in a split second.

Oh dear.