
So you were unaware Koyama Press specializes in "artists" who jam Sharpies in their dickholes?

A super-nice dude who handed out bowties like lollipops?

CAUTION: Drinking Fred Schneider’s Monster Blend could lead to a HOT PAAANTS EXPLOOOOSSSSIONNNNN! Ask your doctor if Fred Schneider’s Monster Blend is right for you.

Burger of the Day: OH MY INTESTINAL WAHL BURGER, served with ghost peppers, sriracha, topped with chili and a side of TP.

I have a fuzzy memory of seeing a bit of this as a teenager during a party or something. I hate violence in movies so this was definitely not for me, but I remember an arm being chainsawed off in a bathroom or something and it clearly bouncing on the tile. Terrible.

Downtony Abbey and My Little Tony got me to laugh loudly enough to startle everyone in the nice little restaurant where I'm having brunch. Thanks for that.

As long as I don't have to watch Pixels.

I'd say if it's in the top 10 and you had to look up the lead, perhaps it's time to find another subject to write about.

Is there supposed to be more to that second graf? It just trails off after the comma,

I've always wanted a Great Job, Internet! that led to diarrhea.

Dear Casting Directors/Assholes,

"When you see them comin'/better run for cover
Girls, you're gonna need a weekend lover"

The A.V. Club

Soylent Green is people. Oh shit, sorry!

So I am about six shows in. You're saying I can stop?

I read that as "anything from C CUP up is generally positive" and was about to subscribe to your newsletter.

If I'd been there, I would have tried to stop your pillow.

Awwww, someone get this guy a blowjob.

I'm just finding this out now and I'm really sad, but I also get it. GF is one of a very few shows I really look forward to watching, especially with my kids.

Earlier this week, I bought about 100 sealed copies of the Clerks II soundtrack for $3.30CDN. I'm not sure which of us made the poorer investment.