
Is Method Man Daniel Day-Lewis's nickname?


"Speaking of stuffing, back in the 70s your father was a Stove Top."

I'm looking forward to the celebration of Brett Favre Day at Lambeau, where I assume each fan will get a chance to throw an ill-advised interception into double coverage, then be handed a pair of Wranglers with a dick hanging out of the fly.

Tierney was also present at the jumping death of a young woman in the 1970s, apparently. He said she "just went out the window."

I'll chip in mightily if there's even a chance she'll actually be shot into space.

Anyone else think maybe, maybe … there should be a warning that the Zapruder film will be shown repeatedly at the beginning of the trailer? I didn't need to see that again.

Dark Greeno shot first.

That was a lot to burro through.

Here here!

I tell my children if someone can't be funny without being a dick, then he or she isn't funny. He or she is a dick.

Or perhaps he was just a huge, self-absorbed asshole.

I Know What Caillou Did Last Summer
Hostel & Gretel
Where In The World Is The Rest Of Carmen Sandiego?

Have you seen anyone selling an anatomically correct sock monkey, male or female? Asking for a friend.

Damn it, Shemp was a fucking genius! *shakes fist at Mike Judge*

Get me Judith Light, stat!

"… all of which appear to have what Nostradamus tells me are 'the beards of hipsters future.' I knowe not what he means, but it does remind me of a fox hunt through dense scrub brush."

I know the Mike stands for money and the D is for diamonds, if that helps.

Ugly, but not as much of a head-scratcher as Wendy's using the opening bars of "Blister In The Sun" to sell cheeseburgers.

I don't think there's a better "shut down by a glass door" moment than the Windex commercials. Did Tim Burton have anything to do with those?