Shan Gadge

Anyone remember Abba Abba Hey! They covered Abba songs in the style of the Ramones. Tidy.

It's a cat that smells of cigarettes

Any AVClubbers in Yorkshire want to be my wife's new best friend?
Cos the alternative is that I'll have to sit through 3 hours of this shite with her.

Oh, and one I just saw on Hype Machine. Some strong contenders to headline Glastonbury '11 "You say France and I whistle"

Voting for Jedward purely to annoy Cowell (or to use the more appropriate phrase, "to get on his tits") is a zero-loss game.
1) Cowell is pissed off. I'm prepared to take some losses for that .
2) The other contestants are pissed off. Good. Fuck 'em. No talent hacks one and all.
3) Once they do win, we never see them

This is sheer unalloyed genius.

I saw Saw V too. But I found Saw V contrived, in fact I found Saw V too contrived and now I see Saw, Saw II, Saw III and Saw IV in a whole new light.

I did see Saw IV before I saw Saw III, I did see Saw II too, but I've never seen Saw before.

So this documentary tells us something about how documentaries have changed?
I'm not sure I understand that. Perhaps a documentary could explain it to me.

Seconds Paul.
There should be an phone app which changes your voice to Matt Berry's in real time.
It should have a second setting for Willie Rushton.
Come on eggheads, get cracking on this.

Cock! Even for an obscure 80s UK reference that doesn't make sense.

No. She only wants to be your Ro-land's friend.

Lifelong Disappointment
is funnier than fuck. It's a place where people go to anonymously seethe about their workmates petty habits. http://lifelong.disappointm…

Seconds on Teenage FanClub. I played that one at my wedding during dinner. And again when we rolled out the chip butties at midnight. Best day of my life.

when I'm being vague, I'll often find myself saying
"Things and stuff, and stuff. And things. And stuff". Even the wife never saw where that was from.

Laughing, but "May the seed of your loins be fruitful in the belly of your woman"