Shan Gadge

It just arrived from the Amazon this morning. I'd better get cracking. Good job I'm a shut-in hermit or this could really interrupt my social life.

I'm scratching my head Zugzwang.
And my lifetime pass is for Viz comic. It's not as funny as it used to be (their motto), but still the highlight of my month (if you consider 5 weeks to be a month).

It played a lot on the radio in the UK. I thought it sounded a lot like Sleeper. Mmmm… Louise Werner… mmmmm

Suggestion for future G2Gs
Dancehall Reggae?
Satjavit Ray? (That would at least clear up how I should spell his name)

err.. to same reason we're here, to make people think we're cool? Like I honestly thought I was going to READ Goethe or something.

Jesus pal, good luck. I once went on holiday to Stockholm, on my own like Billy-no-mates with only a copy of Swann's Way for company. I actually found it easier to talk to strangers in phrase-book Swedish than to read that bugger. Seriously, 100 pages about a church tower. I could have built him the fucker with less

Oh, and how about
Something Happened, by Joseph Heller. I understand he wrote some other books as well, but this one's a peach.

Fan-bloody-tastic idea
I've been meaning to read more fiction since forever, and have been meaning to read geek love ever since I learned about it in no less a place than the Indie Chart of the ITV Chart Show. See http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Is BlackHearted Love the norm or the outlier in this album?
… cos BlackHearted Love is sweet - the 1st song in ages that I'd voluntarily listen to back-to-back. Pigs Will Not, however, is all shrieky and wrong. So, is there more than one tune on this?

Do it. Series 1 might be a B, but series 2 is a solid A

It's true, they send you to prison camps to work on little fishes, big fishes and cardboard boxes. Feel the rush!

Also, I had a job at this really crap pub, and the landlord was a twat and a half. He had a C90 on constant repeat, with UB40's "Labours of Love Vol I" on one side and OMD's "Greatest Hits" on the other. I'd never have chosen to listen to either voluntarily, but the cacky synth of Enola Gay still makes me choke with

yeah, this sounds pretty weak compared to some of these brave tales of grief and such, but… Tindersticks 1st album will forever be associated with spending my time at Uni mooning around all cow-eyed after some disinterested girl or another. For similar reasons, Portishead's 1st album, chiefly because it was enjoying

I heard it was more like an Argos Biro Rog

DavidK (from ages ago) - I'm with you on Mondovino. That was on telly here last night. I was lagered and it was swaying about far too much. Did they actually film that on pogo sticks? That would be mint.

Ahhh Blair Witch.
Shaky camerawork, plus seasickness (I am a disgrace to my nation's proud naval history) meant that I had to leave that film 3 times to talk to Ruth on the big white telephone.

Feel your pain Jewfro.
That platonic friend's husband needs to take a bullet for you now - organise a double-date to go and see Confessions of a Shopaholic, but stand them up. That ought to do it.

Frankly, Madea, I don't give a damn.

Yeah, me too. Not only was the film shite (5th sequel, who'd have thought?), but the 3D bit was was particularly ineffective for me.
How do they work this then - do they give you some little cardboard glasses which don't fit over your own glasses, and which don't work if you're red-green colourblind?

So help me calibrate my expectations of 3D in the 21st Century…
… better or worse than Freddy's Dead: The Final nightmare?