Shan Gadge

Vatican Broadside
Does he describe the time he went to Rome to meet the Pope?

and sephiroth, I'll take your question at face value. The band name isn't a pokemon reference. Dexys would be short for dexadrine, a prescription amphetamine (ab)used for dancing by (I'm told) mods and soulboys.

thanks weej - good point well made.

Worth an A
for the Puffin Party alone.

Anti-intellectuals? I think that En-ger-land are more than just a quick thumb through The Social Contract away from winning. Plus, their most demonstrably brainy member is David "Calamity" James, and we could do without 11 of him on the pitch.

Youtubify "Ponderland", especially the one on holidays. Also, his interviews with Jonathan Ross (ignoring the unpleasantness with Andrew Sachs). There's some gold dust there.

Do it. I loved the Tindersticks back in the mid 90s, and wore out my copy of their 1st album.

Hope it's a cross-ply tyre…
.. cos if it's a radial then there's no way I'm watching. Not this pilgrim

Glen - frequently, yes. I'm told that back in the day there was a healthy trade in re-labelling obscure Detroit also-rans as even more obscure Northern Soul classics. That didn't stop some vital pop music coming out though.

… and The Grauniad tells me that it is called Upside Down.

I'm pretty sure that a film about the rise and fall of Creation Records is in production. Think I heard something about it on 6Music the other day.

Old Screwl (porn parody of Old School).

In the words of that ginger lass off of 'stenders

Yeah, I suppose I could look at it as less of a favour and more of chance to witness her unabashed glee when the handbags or shoes come on. She genuinely loved the 1st one and I don't have to look far into my own life to see some nerdy obsession that she doesn't understand.

Thanks all - no firm offers there, so I'll go with plan B - shave and clean a homeless, train him the nuances of my beautiful beautiful accent, then make the old switcheroo when the house lights go down.