I'm gonna go with……probably not. But I've been wrong before.
I'm gonna go with……probably not. But I've been wrong before.
Steve Railsback turns 68 on November 16. If you want to send a card I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
I always thought that William Devane's career may have suffered on that account. He looks and sounds like he could be Nicholson's brother. OTOH, I can't imagine Jack playing JFK.
Yeah but I've never seen him as the ruthless type. He just doesn't seem like a cold blooded killer to me. Remember what happened when he finally did get to play a gangster? Also Robert Evans was convinced that casting Jews as mafiosa was what had doomed previous gangster movies. But then again Caan is Jewish.
He would have yelled a lot, I'm guessing.
And Hoffman almost got the lead in Blade Runner.
Who has the craziest eyes? Steve Railsback, Ray Liotta, Meg Foster or this Bentley kid?
Not as good as "sassy young sound recordist."
Well he sounded like Jack but that's where the resemblance ended.
Enough with the found footage, already.
Woody in widescreen? Cate Blanchett? I may actually pay good money to see this in the theatre. That hasn't happened since…well, you can probably guess since when.
Same here. I made it half way through the 1st season but just couldn't take it anymore. Reading the AVC reviews and comments is much more entertaining.
I think you're underrating the degree of overrating.
I think 'Ginger Reporter' is her correct appellation.
One step forward, two steps back.
What his wife yelled on their wedding night : MORE COCK MOORCOCK !
JOSH : …the piano player only seems to know one song.
DONNA : Which song?
JOSH : "Little things with fur better hurry…"
DONNA : "Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry."
JOSH : Okay.
DONNA : "Surrey With a Fringe on Top."
JOSH : Whatever. It's like I'm on a hayride.
Teenage boys: young, dumb and full of cum.