
Goodbye, so long and thanks for all the fish.

Goodbye, so long and thanks for all the fish.

Wow! It's a running joke here to identify the characters by generic descriptions rather than their character names, as hardly anyone can remember them anyway. Hence 'Ginger Reporter' or 'Old Farmer Guy' so you really missed my joke. I've never been accused of either homophobia or racism before, usually I'm tagged as

Then she's the perfect sheriff for this town. It's like a psychotic Mayberry NC.

Thanks to the dome, he was this close to getting laid. He's probably got a bit of a wait depending on how goth girl reacts to her white lesbian mom kicking the bucket.
I've heard people sometimes get lucky at funerals.

Should have known old farmer guy was bad news when he was mean to black lesbian mom.

Hey, they needed that gas so they could skip town…oh, wait.

Geek boy's indifference for big sis is really something, isn't it? Although when he thought a missile was going to wipe the town off the map, he cared enough to run around trying to find her but since then amnesia seems to have once again set in. When she hugged him in this episode (she obviously cares for him) he had

I thought it was an electric charge from the finger of her sailor ghost. 
Is he dead? My mind wandered.

"They"? Why, they is the plain and fancy they, that's who "they" is! Caught you, didn't they? Tied a tin can to your tail. Led you in and waltzed you out again. Oh my, what a bunch! Big tough ones, hunh? Here you are with a handful of holes, a thumb up your ass, and a big grin to pass the time of day with. They? Who

Australian Sniper - most beers downed between kills.

Heh. Well he's eclectic anyway, if he's trying to decide between Steinbeck and a robopocalypse.

JOSH: Ok. Here's what I'm gonna do.
DONNA: Hide in your office?
JOSH: No. I'm not gonna hide in my office. I'm gonna go into my office and devise a
strategy. That is what I do. I'm a professional. I'm not a little boy.
DONNA: Hmm. That's the spirit.

@Stan's Beard
Heh. Well that was her job. She was Josh's assistant. The problem there was she was never meant to be a lead character. (And I would never argue that Sorkin isn't a sexist, in an old fashioned condescending Mad Men kind of way). My gripe would be that he never found a way to promote her. And one of the

Haven't seen this but it did get universally good reviews in Australia. Now that may just be an example of parochialism but then again this review may be proof that a guy from Chicago named Vishnevetsky knows shit about surfing. ◕‿◕

Nah not every movie. They're not wearing spandex for a start.

I haven't seen Altman's A Wedding in maybe 30 years. 
I should really track that one down.

Well there is a scene involving chickens buried up to their necks being used for target practice, so someone's seen Pat Garrett.

3D Guns!

I think I should weigh in here. Yes I think Sorkin did make Donna too ditzy (or too much a  flibbertigibet - great word, BTW) for the sake of easy laughs. In the 4th season, for instance,  he had her accidentally vote for Ritchie b/c apparently filling out a ballot correctly was beyond her. Like Magaret she was