
Gendry. Hubba hubba

Also, he wrote Werewolf Bar Mitzvah

"Secret Circle: 1995 sounds, frankly, like a sexier show."
if only they could take advantage of that. I mean they already cast a bunch of the parents for that going-into-Jake's-memories-episode!

yeah, where is Katherine anyways?!

that speech from Kol about how Mary had been all of the Original's plaything was pretty boss, so imagine an Elijah-Kol spinoff - so many awesome possibilities wrapped in amazing hair

To ba fair, Kevins did get a shout out last season with the George Takei voicemail, so

why not Karen?

that long pan between Dalia and the KKK as they 'brainstormed' ideas to get Yakult back was amazing

it also comes with asteroids

yeah, remember when she had a stutter?

Like the time you banged Eartha Kitt?

That's definitely what makes it so timeless. I didn't know before reading this just how much personal input from all involved had gone in - I mean, that story about the writer having gone through the stuff in "The Garage Door" was harrowing, but it's exactly what made this show feel like an actual high school

and yelled along to "Move that bus"

But he yielded!

Jonathan Swift agrees. Winter is coming, after all

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus … well this is awkward

"How Jean Dujardin do we look like right now?"

is their Brangelina name "D-Erick" cause it could also be "Erick"!