
I have a cousin named Rex who I will punch in the face as a gift to all the AV Club comments section. No Christmas wishes need to be wasted!

They were continuing therapy sessions. But as a licensed student of psychology, Britta is the one with hypnosis books and possible leg brace!

and he also stole all the blankets from his son's house!

Beat by everyone in this Futurama song game. I quit.

By that time this could happen… Alternate Timeline!

It's exactly like the Pen situation in Cooperative Calligraphy. Never notice Annie's boobs taking the pen at the start 'til someone pointed it out.

Cool cool cool cool cool.

I thought the cosmos gifted Sean with the closeness to St. Vincent and the curse of writing 95% of the News Wire stories and dealing with us on a daily basis?

First saw Keira Knightley in a Robin Hood movie where she was Robin Hood. Crazy, right? But goddamn if she didn't rock those green clothes well.

Dean Machine!

Fat "Blerds". I hear they represent the realness.

It's finally happened. Todd has given up on Community as well.

Ving Rhames as Constable Reggie!

This seems ill-advised. Like the news of the new Buffy movie this not going to end well.

I think my favorite moment was where they just ignored Jeff's lie about being sick and went straight to serenading him about his "dean-uet".

I always thought Community had that schizophrenic trait where it can easily be daring and break conventional TV molds and also be a show where you can watch them hang out as friends comfortably.

Oh good. I can edit it. Good episode. Pierce tripping is always fun times! Hula Girls > Andy Dick hallucination avatars… Definite upgrade.

Rainbow, bitches!

More my stubborn refusal to spell it "antacid". It's a "some-mores/s'mores" thing, really.

And that is why I am not worried about this show.