
This show, like my beloved Chargers, always starts off slow. Everyone expects Modern Warfare or D&D off the bat every episode but it's just not possible. We have to have a few "Football, Feminism, & You" to make the great episodes seem even better.

Dan Harmon, if you are reading these comments, don't go to Hitfix and read their comments. A majority here cares about your well-being and I know for a fact reading the comments over there about this ep will push you over the edge.

Think of it this way: Gym bag full of nickels.

I think the moment I became an equal Britta fan (I was always an Annie guy), was just a subtle moment in last season's pregnancy ep. When she was talking about that Anti-acid schtick with Shirley, that look on her face when she says "big anti-acid" was just great. Like a subtle turn away that completely sells that

Having just read Sean's last interview with Ms. Clark, you can tell he knows the how to work her… In an interview sense.

She is attractive.

I'll agree with you on Wine Tasting and the second part of the paintball finale. Given that Tobolowsky just came off from heart surgery, I can give it a pass though. Plus he was supposed to off himself but the execs nixed that idea, if I remember that interview Todd had with Dan Harmon correctly.

Season 2 was pretty amazing which is why CP212 stands out so much.
Discourse was just awful but it had Football, Feminism, etc. to keep it

Well, shit.

Community: Season one, "The Art of Discourse"

Wasn't it general knowledge that The Office was utter shit this year? I have to channel Gob Bluth and say "COME ON!"

Fun times
It'd be great if we had more guest directors in season 3. Ayoade was great on "Critical Film Studies", Anthony Hemingway on "Epidemiology", Justin Lin on "Modern Warfare". Not to say the Russo Brothers aren't great but just by adding a different hand behind the camera, episodes can turn from good to great.