
Oh you know what it's for…

I edit that picture each time and add new pubes to it. By this time next year he'll look like Bob Ross.

To have open communication and dialogue about important social issues and pop culture? You fucking asshole.

Where else would ElDan be? The attic! Wait, shit. I haven't been here for two years. I'll get this right one day.

and he brought everything to a screeching halt with his dead dogs. And that made me sad.

Tequila is the best. Also Dik is a dick lol

Me too. Maybe after Moon Knight Ellis can go back and bring us more adventures. I need more Elsa Bloodstone in my life.

ehh, whenever I think or see Mark Millar's name I just remember that NEXTWAVE cover and laugh. He does look like he licks goats.

Arctic Monkeys - Temptation Greets You Like Your Naughty Friend

I just have the biggest feeling that NBC is going to regret the decision to not pick up this show.

Bro. He likes nachos, bro.

And Adam Sandler…

Slamming Krysten Ritter? Low blow, Erik Adams.

Turpentine, more like.

Seriously, that dealt a blow. Lucky leaving Clint made me feel worse than the ending of the Last of Us. Which was heart-wrenching in its own right.

Oh, wow. People at work are wondering why I'm giggling like a school girl.

I heard that too which made it all the more hilarious.

Nodame is great. Plus the anime to it is pretty solid too.

I have zero to add to this but wonderfully put, @avclub-b3d29f8f22c60a4b2c5fc2b1691c1d62:disqus. 

"Magic Clap" is what Michael Douglas calls his throat cancer.