
I thought that only happened in the gay porn parody.

"Alright, Morgan. This is how they did it in Freaky Friday."

@avclub-525f76574b3a2a5bcb4da793c92a16fb:disqus That or stripping.

It was actually Juan Marquez who drank his pee. But I wouldn't put it past Manny behind the scenes.

She's probably done that before too. Duet with R. Kelly maybe?

Counter-point: Vincent Kartheiser.

Sweet Soul Revue is still my happy music all these years.

Pistachios are primordial! So good.

Ugh, this totally sucks I can't even form proper thoughts for it. This is definitely a sad day for The A.V. Club.

A "She-Hulk has slept around" joke! Classic. 

Happened like a week or two ago. Cudi and Kanye seemed like they were solid but out of nowhere Cudi left the label. Also, yes, terrible song and now a lackluster album.

Yes. But now she is cause she's dating Nick Kroll. I mean why should an acclaimed darling of comedy have to date a douchebag/douchebag comedian!? C'mon!

Amy Poehler is such a classy lady. The world needs more people like her. I suppose I should add something silly to this post.

Daredevil is the man without fear, he’s also the man without luck.

"See you tomorrow, Jeremy." had me rolling. Andy is just the absolute best.

Gillian Jacobs is my choice for this. Mmm, Gillian Jacobs.

So not Tom Hardy in drag?

Seriously, loved the Cardigans.

Ah, @Scrawler2:disqus. You say what my 2002 teenage heart longed to.

So is Fozzie Bear playing that guitar in the background?