temocil sales rep

im hoping for multiplicity 2!

your gonna let that ruskie in our subway? he can see the big menu!

a renegade russian hoagie?

its like a computer but its got strings.

whats this "album" word? is it like when someones releases two singles?

nooo. thats ignorant!

he he… "bait the bell"

cinnamon twists are the only thing i get from Toxic Hell.

i consider myself an avid indoorsman.

or maybe, even more heartbreakingly, chuck screws over jimmy.

there was really no need for him to insert himself in the series as much as he did. the story did not need him in it at all.

whenever im down i just youtube wolf blitzer on jeopardy. never fails to brighten my day.

"those shifty beady black eyes and the facial tics and burping, the vague explanations….looks innocent to me" -texas juror.

he was talking about his sick dance moves at the club from the night before. the audio cut out but he actually said "…killed em all… with that headspin"

and remember other people sins weigh a whole lot more than mine do…

T.I. "Why You Wanna" …and really the whole "King" album. excellent production that was only revealed to me through a strange journey.

its my second favorite. the cinematography alone is breathtaking.

that columbia house contract is pretty tricky.

ghost boy had nothing but nice things to say about you!