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what about luther and dobbers new album?

no mention of flylo and thundercat in the review is ludicrous.

top 10 mm songs. for albums just grab any between long drive, lonesome, and moon and your all set. all 3 are pretty great all the way through and picking between them is just splitting hairs.
1 interstate 8
2 styrofoam boots
3 life like weeds
4 breakthrough
5 beach side property
6 teeth like gods shoe shine
7 cowboy dan

these tears are gonna cause all my piercings to rust.

never go full breitbart.

almost ten curicks!!

few months ago. never really heard why but i think both sides said it was amicable.

no but kurt dahl was on another level. impossible to replace imo.

its a shame the best musician in the band quit.


that homeless guy likes what he sees.

wolfmans got nards!

my favorite is charlies "ohh you goddamn bitch…"

it must be hellish for those people to constantly have people not only driving by and taking pictures but throwing pizza on your roof.

we were dead before the record even leaked.

ben wyatt would be mortified about wasting a perfectly good calzone.

this would make an entertaining documentary.

i do like sugar boats quite a bit. i kinda wish they would make a straight pop album.

lego this lego that. enough already.
