temocil sales rep

3rd planet or teeth like God's shoe shine I like better than dramamine. They open their albums very well. Edit. Also the more I think about it, neverending math equation or interstate 8 might be their best too.

I would say the state I am in by Belle and Sebastian could make a strong case for their best song. Other than a few singles I checked out on arcade fire after neon bible but I too think their best work is on funeral and it probably is neighborhood 1 or laika although wake up and rebellion are also pretty great.

His show was great to get high to back in the day. Coast to coast was way better though.

Something something I will be your badger. The buildup at the end is such a great hook. That album does hold up and is good all the way through. Just drums and 10 dollar ascot are amazing. Never listened to any of their other records.

Also the orb.

Equally bad when promos appear right "before" the show premiers. Better call saul is spoiled all the time with those promos. Why are they showing promos for a show that is premiering next?

If you wanted it called jif you should've spelled it jif.

Ya know just lake a little looksie loo.

For sure. Fring is awesome and I trust the writers I just feel like fring is gonna take a lot of Mike's story which was compelling enough without him.

Your right I don't remember erin. Is she the bridge between Kim and the big lawsuit? If so I like what they did in the premier casting doubt on Kim and Erins relationship and Erins motivation. I trust the writers I just feel like Mike's story is gonna be tied up with him being brought into frings fold and essentially

I'm kinda nervous about fring being on the show. Mike's story has been so good and I feel it's gonna streamline his story too much. Feels A little gimmicky but I guess we are getting close to the breaking bad timeline so I guess it's necessary.

The croissanwich is the best breakfast sandwich. Therefore bk is my breakfast champ.

That line stuck with me too. Like most Sandler it was hilarious to 13 year old me.

Mine too. Maybe some days it's myriad harbor, sometimes it's jackie from mass romantic. Cobras is next level though. That piano run, the lyrics, "Wrecked on the jungle floor!"…amazing

Way off base with the c+ for new pornographers. Title track, high ticket attractions, juke, Colliseums, world of theater contain some of the best hooks in years from this band. New wrinkles and sounds are incorporated flawlessly into a band that perfected pop music 20 years ago on their debut. The fact that they are

It's power pop and it will never die!

The real estate record is awesome. Far exceeded my expectations but diamond eyes really kills the momentum of the album. Not a bad song really just sounds out of place on this record.

Do I have to talk you into it is amazing. Spoon will probably never top earlier efforts but this new direction is exciting. It at least gives hope of another stone cold classic like girls can tell or kill the moonlight.

Hacked as in our new public relations intern posted without approval.

They make the mudflaps on our delivery truck at work. Unless it's a different supreme.