temocil sales rep

yeah they are like the yankees. the "evil empire" of the nfl. but mainly its because they win and get to multiple super bowls. as a fan of the lions (who i believe are probably cursed. probably some deal with the devil that Ford made) and will probably never even get to a super bowl, i have to hate the pats and

better them than the team of aaron hernandez.

yeah i was okay with the punt there but i knew the game was over. you could feel the air change after the call.

i almost barfed.

i am a biased lions fan, but you have to admit that was one of the strangest calls ever. i mean to mark the yardage off, award the first down and spot the ball to then wave the flag off with absolutely no explanation. its a shame it happened and detroit didnt do themselves any favors from that point on. but, its easy

Father John misty is my most anticipated. Its either gonna be great, or a spectacular mess. Can't wait.

My go to doodle is also the 3d cube. I sometimes throw some spirals in as well.

it was my most listened to record this year. You cant deny a good hook and there are some great ones throughout the record.

But you could regain some flexibility by slipping into some thigh high cutoff jean shorts.

her name is allison and we dont need another law suit…

yep great consistency and their last album was somewhat of a grower. this is shaping up to be a great year for some classic indie bands…spoon, new pornographers, belle and sebastian…

dome we now our gay apparel.

elaine, women know about dome shrinkage right?

The nail comes out next week. :thumbs up:

what is she funny or something?

less artsy more fartsy!

i call the marathon "bitey"

you know he suffers for fashion.

actually, Hawaii. which makes it much scarier in my opinion. volcano is not land. perfect spot for a lizard monster. #Factor Nation.