temocil sales rep

1-sleep the clock around
2-your covers blown
3-if your feeling sinister
4-the rollercoaster ride
5-dog on wheels

what was so terrible about it? i cant imagine having high expectations from a debut director who is primarily a singer songwriter.

whose ready to smash some fruit! I got warrants!

plus i heard she is "unsullied" so to speak.

how much you want for that bush baby?

i hate them too. they are so forced.

mick foley is pretty cool. im not sure if i would want to meet him if it meant also having to meet billy though.

everyone out of the chunnel!

Donnie, when you were rodeo clowning? Did any of the other clowns maybe, I don't know, ask you to stay? - Ed, my drinking buddy. He was like, "dude, who am I gonna drink with?" And what'd you tell Ed? I'm broke and I got horned in the balls, I'm out.

all the neko love is great but you cant do wrong by kathryn calder either.

best since twin cinema for sure. dancehall domine is so huge. not much to add so may as well list my favorite songs. electric version is their best imo.
1-laws have changed
2-all for swinging you around
3-jackie dressed in cobras
4-slow descent into alcoholism
5-myriad harbour
6-letter from an occupant
7-new face of zero

ceo is south parks tweek

too many concussions.

adam sandler is trapped on an island and falls in love with a coconut, or something.


no more kings as done by pavement.

because hes rich bitch!

damien? just a mischievous, rambunctious kid.

the silhouette sword/boner joke slays kids when their in 6th grade. for a bout a week and a half it was all anyone talked about.

men in tights or gtfo