temocil sales rep

muslims arn't allowed to touch lava.

a little cameltoe goes a long way in this pop landscape.

its amazing isnt it?

sometimes i think taylor swift is kinda hot. other time she reminds me of a bitchy aunt.

cubs win! cubs win!

*grabs weird dice off of table, throws it out in the yard*

i like that big broke girls theory myself.

ive seen him but the only way i'll tell is if you threaten to throw me from a balcony.

suge knight cannot be killed with conventional weapons.

i was just trying to say, in a nice way, "be on time"

i bet she will constantly be late due to being on CPT.

and im happy to say the litle guy is back in place at the end of the line.

white people are somewhat responsible for "illmatic" rising in stature over the past decade. it underwhelmed initially and i think only through critical reappraisal has it grown so much. it is classic though and one of the best rap albums of all time. but i know a lot of white people who have two rap albums, usually a

well we started up when the credits were rolling and before we knew it the war was over.

everyone thought we were gonna see juice splatter his brains on live tv. surreal only half describes it. who knew such suspense could be wrung from a slow speed car chase.

poor bills :( was that the year of the missed field goal to lose? if so it was the best and worst super bowl of all time.

oh god i remeber sitting in class watching the verdict and all the black kids cheered and the white kids were mad. it was such an ugly moment.

this and nacy and tonya are so seared into my mind. definitely a turning point towards the worst for media and reality television.

for those who havent seen it check out "the two escobars" from the 30 for 30 series on espn. i believe its on netflix but the story of the whole columbian team, and nation, from that year is fascinating.