temocil sales rep

i must have been the right age and so completely stoned when i saw it originally that i hailed it a a minor masterpiece. it was fun though at the time and i think all the shit that came after it like the spirit and sucker punch really hurts it looking back.

if you see fuck mountain you've gone too far.

whats wrong with being sexy?

the revolution will not be televised. it will last about 30 minutes and have very subtle variations.

being anti pitchfork is the new pitchfork

wow thurston. why have you been such a dick the past few years?

and rising?

you already blue it

ya know, for kids.

im gonna stay up and watch it all straight through. got my bucket and crystal meth all ready to go.

no good has ever come from ohio.

dey took err jobs!

the getaway. why? why was this allowed to be made?

"Feels like an Arby's night…High Five!"

has anyone seen "Cry Wolfe"?

"i dont know why you keep telling me this"

i thought he was gonna smash it on the floor.

my hot pocket technique is very similar.

his production and programming is top notch and to say he is just a button masher is like saying mcartney is just a string plucker. again i dont even like kanye all that much and think hes somewhat overrated, but his production is amazing and he obviously has some talent.