temocil sales rep

Am i crazy? or is that a lot of gum?

what the hell did you trade jay buhner for!

kramer and newman running through the city with a "risk" board slays me every time.

blessed by who?

These colors dont run!

how do i know who to hate?

actually i just looked it up and it should be "IronE Singleton" i think its stage name buffoonery.

as iron e singleton said, "Aw Hell No!"


i hung some buzzfeeders in my yard but the squirrels overan it.

sometimes dead is better.

fatalist palmistry is a pretty good song.

ive only seen bits and pieces of dome, but why dont they just dig under it? is this explained?

in anticipation of USA v Belgium i have done my part and thrown away all my eggos. i would also vandalize some windmills but the only ones around are the sweet old neighbors lawn ornament down the road and im no monster.

i liked rage in middle school but i did not even attempt to analyze or even understand the lyrics. i knew the machine is equal to the man and that i could only understand 20% of zach's words. the musical hooks though, so good.

you gonna let a doman stay in the big house? be prepared to burn all the beds sheets and pillowcases.

well the kingdome does make my list of top domes that have been imploded.

your god domed right

6. the little dome inside the big dome from under the dome

top 5 domes
1. dome of the rock
2. georgia dome
3. metro dome
4. epcot center
5. the dome from under the dome.