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so does stephen king look all plasticky because of the auto accident?

after all Sadam Hussein did try to trap my dad in a dome once.

are 'friends' semetic?

luis suarez could probably offer some culinary advice.

well some people struggle with imagining. what can you do? its an apt comparison you pedantic bastard.

im deeply, deeply sorry for my hateful statement. the german people have given humanity a number of great things and many of my closest friends are german.

yeah i never had a problem. i played hockey so it made sense when i visualized the last defender as a blue line.

and we do owe germany payback for that handball in 2002. still mad about that.

USA! USA! USA! kick those krauts ass! or at least agree to a mutually beneficial tie and just kick the ball back and forth.

if only that was the worst thing we could say about woody allen.

he gets a lifetime pass from me for all the christopher guest movies.

they should make another sequel!
actually a prequel detailing eugene levy's character might be worthwile . or, just any movie with eugene levy really.

shit you did. oh well. its such a great george bush quote im gonna leave it up.

i know that human being and fish can coexist peacefully.

fuck, i just call him bub or chief or whatever the fuck and i tell him to make the goddamn toys

the world record for eating pancakes in one sitting is 73 that is held by a russian man whose life must be an unendurable hellscape of excrutiating sadness.

i love the large black waitress rubbing his back while hes eating. such a good touch. i still think revenge and orgy were just as funny.

i agree mostly although martys story worked well especially after the big shootout. also i hated rust coles seeing the light at the end.

cows. all day everyday.

not on my watch!