temocil sales rep

country death song

burning bush. so many obvious jokes. it really is the biblical gift that keeps on giving.

i nominate Danny Devito!

this and a new spoon song today. fuck yeah.

i am jack's headphone jack

agreed. lots of bands have 1 or 2 good records but to put out 6 that are consistently great is quite an achievement.

as we all know the best defense against zombies is a stiff upper lip.

i feel like your trying to say spaghetti.

i think whichever spoon record you hear first will probably be your favorite.
1. girls can tell
2. ga ga ga ga ga
3. kill the moonlight=transference
4. gimme fiction
5. series of sneaks
6. telephono

as a blackhawks fan. i agree. also fuck espn.

in canada the black people are just the right height

after this and the blackhawks losing im just not sure i can go on anymore.

is there gonna be an undercover series this year? that feature is what brought me to this site.

i survived on romeny noodles for years.

bout 15 minutes away.

those commercials are the best endorsement for upgrading to the pay version. very effective and annoying advertising.

your hung up on some computer from the 60's man!

still a shame that review with forrest macneil wasnt covered week to week.

bit off topic but is there no undercover this year?