temocil sales rep

obligatory Oh No!

*buys old glory insurance*

WacArnolds is tearing this family apart!

i believe its zach galifanakas.

but are they not punchlines?

so a fan a rushed and a pushed him?

Non-Canonical! Non-Canonical!

fuck you soda popinski!

well better him than rob schneider. im not saying hes a great actor just that hes a decent straight man in this movie and im surprised he hasnt had more opportunities.

eh i thought he was okay. the movie was forgettable but whoever that guy is was relatable. a good everyman.

you may be on to something. a girl recommended it to me. she loved it. she also hated dr strangelove. we no longer speak to each other.

yeah but usually just some bit character.

the first time i saw it i thought it was funny as shit. the second time i thought it was terrible. somewhat unique though that it seems like they threw every conceivable speck of an idea at it and did absolutely no editing.

i liked the lead guy in it. he should get more opportunities. he has a real regular guy quality about him.

Fact: boondock saints is the most overrated movie

very "night of the hunter" esque

am i crazy? or is that a lot of gum?

all my troops are in a cold bag now. i just gotta get them to the doctor so he can begin the assault on egg mountain.

i had never seen such blatant promotion from jeopardy before. it was odd hearing trebeck telling everybody to check out spiderman in theaters now.