temocil sales rep

english motherfucker! do you speak it!?

thats my favorite part of little miss sunshine.

every episode of threes company ever.

will they wont they

what about your current civics teacher?

poor pinkus. poor poor pinkus.

but chapstick makes it worse and is a cause of perpetual dryness!

something something leading man parts…

he has to report her right?

whatever happened to pong?

yeah i dont think he will ever top richies attempted suicide scene. perfection.

this is pretty close to how id rank them. maybe switch MK and LA. i really should rewatch darjeeling though. i remember not liking it but i only saw it once. tenenbaums is far and away my number one though.

i wonder how many people consider the first Anderson film they see as their favorite? i know its true for me with Tenenbaums. The style is so different from most modern cinema that your first exposure probably informs your rankings of his works.

yep. i remember the ending just dragging on and on. it seems wes was trying to build suspense but it just felt so flat to me. it was just off from the first 2/3rds. good movie not great.

this is, i think, the only possible happy ending. although they could go alternate history and have the Soviets win the cold war and they all return to russia a happy family. of course the kids are probably psychologically fucked either way.

nah its tenenbaums, always and forever

it was just too low stakes of a story or something. i dunno it just didnt register with me. i probably should watch it again though.

but knowing how tvland works i think it pretty much has to right?

intentionally vague. maybe they really did shower him with money.

thinking about the end game here, this has to end tragically for the Jennings right?