temocil sales rep

i was a tad disappointed by moonrise kingdom but this looks pretty great.

i thought the same thing. she was pretty adamant about it.

the more work for trejo the better. the dude is awesome.

yeah its sad. but these people are the same ones who cant follow movie plots and only listen to the hit station on the radio. i guess some people are not affected by any art in the slightest.

i worked with a girl who was extremely proud about having never read a book in her entire life.

i hated this band when i first heard them I thought they were the epitome of MOR indie. but i put "days" on six months ago and absolutely loved it. who knew a clean guitar tone and two songs could be stretched this far. that said, this is their best record. navigator is maybe my favorite song in the last two years.

hate the drake!

no one fucks with the jesus!

this is goddamn ridiculous

the box tops- the letter

get "sleigh bells" to do this please!

this would be a great choice.

the exploding hearts- modern kicks

split enz- six months in a leaky boat

amanda shires- when you need a train it never comes



yeah they will never reach those heights anymore but these songs are solid.