temocil sales rep

that was the one useful tidbit that i took away from Donnie Darko. i mean i saw the random smurfs episode growing up but i never knew the backstory .

you know what? this joke will never get stale. its on this big ball of earth to do its thing like the rest of us.

i quite like deerhoof. arty? yes. but they do bring the rock from time to time.

that album really is a grower. i was pretty lukewarm on it initially, but its proven to be excellent. "hostages" especially hits all the sweet spots. more songs like this please.

now tell me about "delocated"

modern vampires of the city is still my favorite  album of the year. it gets better each listen.

its not terrible, but its not great either.

1. sleep the clock around
2. your covers blown
3. like dylan in the movies
4. the state i am in
5. we are the sleepyheads
6. piazza
7. get me away from here im dying
8. if your feeling sinister
9. cuckoo
10. step into my office
11.dress up in you
12. century of fakers

sleep the clock around might be my favorite song

Are Swedes touchy if you refer to them as Norwegians?

i really hope so. i think this show has a lot of potential.

tortoise is a fine place to start. "standards" was my introduction and its great. 

my favorite episode is the one where the Hills go to japan. Or, the one where they are fishing with crack rocks.

nancy from now on is such a good song. this guy is supremely talented.

I wrote that song…shnoo shnoo shnoo shnooo shooo shnooo shnoo

this album is a huge step forward for them. ive enjoyed a lot of their past singles but this new one is aces all the way through. 

yes. dont lie is the standout for me. hannah hunt a close second.

flame on brother flame on

well the point is they are wrong. this album is awesome and way better than 6.0 and a fairly negative review. and fuck michael bay! 

i actually like pitchfork, and i really like FOTL and i loved mclusky. I just know what a good score or "best new music" would have done for the obviously struggling band.