temocil sales rep

1st grade champ!

*glances at plastic vuvuzela*

as long as we are in no way making fun of any griffith im in.

im sure its been said already but kelly kapowski. 

the costume horse race was the most ive laughed at anything in a long while. the giraffe and panda costume where totally unfair. plus, the fact that they mention they were not allowing a camel to race because two guys running upright would make it unfair added a whole new level of WTFedness.

his standup bit about diabetes might be some of my favorite standup too. i know its kind of rehash of white people do this…black people do this… but with his delivery "you got the sugar, and you gonna lose that foot" slays me. 

yeah im sure its a bit that got reprised because the one that sticks out for me is the britney episode. i think thats what tracy does best though, wonderfully absurd.

just put him in the cash cab! actually he is in my favorite SNL skit.
its where he plays a homeless man who lures britney spears down into the
sewers and serenades her with a song about doo doo pie or something. 

dey took er jaaabs!

so many good bands with cute bassplayers…i said it on the silversun pickups article but ill say it again-in order to be a succesful band you must have a decent looking girl playing bass.
future of the left
until recently the drive by truckers
the thermals
talking heads
sonic youth
silversun pickups

what exactly happened. did andy and jonathan have a falling out because of the equipment theft?

yeah it was painful to read. the whole review hinged on robocop which i thought was a pretty good song. such a bullshit thing to slam the whole album for one song. such a good band too.

pitchfork kinda fucked these guys over. build em up just to tear em down.

2-the great escape
5-modern life is rubbish
6-think tank

worth it for ted leo alone. go and see that guitar god. he should have a way bigger following than he does.

awesome. ive had tickets for the nashville show for a while and i cant wait. ill definitely hang around afterwords. they really are a great band and while some records are better than others i dont think they have put out a song i actively dislike. another good link- http://www.youtube.com/watc…
its their daytripping

weird i just posted that. it really is a good recording and a great show. and you are right about the basslines. kathy really knocked it out and she deserved to be featured

yeah its off somewhat. i watched a recent live show on youtube and the new songs where great.

but did you make sangria in the terlit?