temocil sales rep

wow! both of those songs were amazing. its easy to hate on kanye but he has an amazing track record and isnt afraid to take chances. my respect for him as an artist continues to grow. its a shame about his personality though.


indie rock golden rule- you must have a decent looking girl playing bass.

those extra deserve an award. how where they not laughing the entire time?

its a good record but very bad production. sounds way too flat.


now, everyone bow your heads and pretend to be serious…


this is absolutely correct. his dedication period up until and including some of carter 3 is mostly untouchable.

puppet show
spinal tap

rob lowe stole the show with his repetitive diarrhea

i kinda hope she wins jam over in the end.

dear mr toilet, im tha shit

dedication 2 and carter 2 and most of carter 3 are pretty good. its been mostly shit since though.

saw these guys on the tour of brotherly love with oasis and the black crowes. they were excellent. 

needle in the hay
christian brothers


fuck the napkin!

cream dream? yeap big time.