
If I could afford it, I'd eat chicken dinners three times a day.

This movie belongs. Why not. It's a fine film made by one of the best directors working today (Election is, at least in my opinion, the best movie of the 90s.)

Without knowing anything beyond what Rabin wrote above, I'd wager his decision to leave EMI over the Sex Pistols was because it was a stupid business decision, not because he was some idealistic old school punk (who also repped Olivia Newton John.)

Are you sure this movie isn't set in 1997?
That would explain the casting, and all the awkward 1979 references could be chalked up to retro.

The best supervillains don't need origin stories, or backstories, or secret identities, or any personality really.

If there's anyone who deserves a "lifetime pass" it's Garry Shandling for giving the world Larry Sanders.

You'd make a great droog, Miller.

Yeah, I'm with you drdarkeny.

So it's basically Archie Bunker meets Taxicab Confessions

I forgot to add old-time radio plays. Old-time radio plays trump them all.

As far as creating a world you can inhabit though, TV is a much better medium. A movie only has 90-120 minutes to let you in and every scene and line has to matter. There's no time for the incidental things or small moments (at least, small moments that don't have some greater meaning or lead to a punchline later

I don't get a good feeling at all from that Michelle Rogriguez leading the political rally thing. It gives me a dreadful sinking feeling that everything is going to lead to a scene where an illegal alien army busts in to save/help machete at the last moment when he's outnumbered or something, and then there's some

10 Years Later
Spheeris remade this film, under the new title "The Little Rascals."

Of course when he throws his mighty shield, and the guy he's throwing it at just nonchalantly catches it, then Cap is pretty much fucked.

Yup. "Candle in the Wind" is about blowing some dude in Chicago.

I haven't seen the show yet. But now I don't need to, since I just read that spoiler.

Could be someone inside the DEA as well.

I agree, that's just a great bit and probably the best FG musical number. It's genuinely funny and obviously done with a lot of love on McFarlane's part, there's tremendous attention to detail and something funny going on in every frame.

I have to say, Walk driving an Aztek is such a great touch.

Mike the Cleaner does work for Gus, so it's not mutually exclusive.