
Hamlet 2
Some of us, who read the AV Club way too much, might remember Pam Brady as the director of Hamlet 2… And the star of a recent My Year of Flops column.

… Plus, a "C" grade movie might have some redeeming scenes, or unintentional hilarity. But "so-bad-it's-good" doesn't work well in long form video games. There's nothing particularly funny about ineffective controls, and lame NPC dialogue might be kind of funny once or twice but gets really wearying by hour thirty.

Yeah, it's a rule of retail that is often forgotten. Those clerks don't want to do anything but go home as soon as they can. Any stupid hard sell techniques they're using is because management is forcing them, and for all they know you're a secret shopper who's gonna cost the store its Christmas party for not

To be fair, a "C" movie asks two hours of your time and $10 in the theater, much less if you just add it to the Netflix queue. A "C" TV show is just something to watch for a half hour or hour if you're bored. A "C" album will probably be downloaded illicitly like all other albums and listened to once.

They call the process of sending a fellow Zune owner a song over wi-fi "Squirting", fer Chrissakes.

That, plus she was awesome on Larry Sanders (as was just about everyone on Larry Sanders, even Jeremy Piven, kind of.) It's hard to believe but Garofalo was pretty likeable at one point.

It is a bit odd that unlocked iphones are $400 and ipod touches with most of the same guts and features are $200.

I'd get one, but they had to license the name Droid from George Lucas.

Finally someone mentioned the Obama-Fring connection. I was always too afraid to bring it up.

Matt Groening
I kind of get the sense he gets too much credit for The Simpsons. He's definitely a co-creator and his sensibility and style are all over the Ullman shorts, but beyond maybe the first half of the first season it really feels like a bunch of extremely talented writers took the reins and made it something

Lizzy is only > Zooey because of her semi-obscurity.

Flash Forward's actually based on a 1999 book, so if you want to see it continued in novels, well, there's one.

Well, Bill Murray was the voice of Garfield…

The same Roger Ebert who wrote the Garfield: Tale of Two Kitties review as if he was Garfield?

I can't promise you won't be disappointed, Kyle, but it's definitely worth watching. Besides, you could just watch a few episodes and politely return the DVDs to Netflix if it's not your cup of tea… There's no law that says you have to watch the entire run.

Actually… I've been scouring the Google and I think Bill Lynch was the one who sang the song. It does say that Randy Newman sang it on quite a few sites, but I have the feeling those folks just assumed it's Newman because it's pretty similar to his style. If you actually listen to it though, it doesn't sound all


Oh wait, I'm wrong, it is Randy Newman. Apologies.

You worship a false idol, my friend. That's not Randy Newman singing the theme.

I'll back you up on Leave it to Beaver, it's a well written show and a lot more subversive than you might remember. No joke. Like the best Peanuts strips, the writers were masterful at humor that worked on two levels, both for kids and for adults… That's an art that seems almost completely lost today, where "adults