
At the first mention of Seth Rogen I knew they'd find a way to praise him at the end. I'll never understand the boundless love for that guy, he's beyond Teflon.

Lol at renowned classic of cinema Pleasantville being in there.

Manic Pixie Dream Girl has long been redefined to mean "woman who listens to indie music or dresses in a manner that would be out of place at a Goldman Sachs Christmas party."

How is a horror film about a ghost tank more believable than Fury? Is the writer of this some kind of WW2 denier?

You all thought the island was purgatory, but actually it was just a magic island! Oh, and then later they went to purgatory. Didn't see that coming, did ya?

What's weird is I bet Five Times Longer has conservative family members. I always find it crazy how many of the most self righteous "all republicans will burn in hell" types are talking about the people they spend Christmas with.

This review currently has less comments than a wrestling recap, I think in general the Av Club readership has no interest in music.

Seems a bit backwards. The kids are pretty Stephen King (It specifically). And the adults are fairly Spielberg (goodhearted local sheriff like in Jaws, mother with missing kid talking to the walls like in Poltergeist). But there's a lot of crossover between the two anyway. Don't see the Carpenter at all.

Yeah, the smugness of this interview is really off-putting. That combined with their comment about how no one watches black and white films makes me think they're the kind of guys who would mock a silent film for it's hammy acting, or make fun of a musical because "it's so unrealistic how they keep bursting into song".

When you're willing to boycott an author for not declaring herself an out and proud science fiction writer, can you not see why a writer wouldn't want the label? Sci-fi fans act like it's a club, rather a genre, and Margaret Atwood is a 70 something woman who most likely does not know or care to participate in geek

Von Trier is in such a strange position where on the one hand he's the biggest name in art cinema and considered a genius, and on the other hand there's people like GG Tim Allin who think he's an Uwe Boll type joke director but have never actually seen any of his films.

Isn't Michael Myers an example of a scary villain with lots of backstory though? We pretty much learn the entire story of his life over the course of Halloween.

If you watch the Purge movies, the point is pretty much exactly what you're describing as what the point should be if they put "real work into it". People who've only seen the trailers don't realise the Purge movies are more satirical than they give them credit for.

I prefer Zach Snyder's terrible movies to Marvel's incredibly mediocre movies, cause the Snyder movies are something we can all come together as a culture to mock, while for the Marvel ones the only dialogue is fanboys going on about how AMAZING they are.

What are you talking about? That's exactly top of the discussion. The joke that started the thread was someone making fun of how common in tv it is to seethe shlubby guy super hot girl combo (and never ever ever the other way around).

You have 126 comments where as Jean-Luc de Lemur has 8270. Simple as that, were it not for seniority they'd have gotten the exact same hostile reaction you did.

So we're only allowed make fun of people if they represent the greatest evil in contemporary American society? That seems like an unreasonably narrow range of targets.

Pleasantly surprised to see the Av Club go to bat for a sitcom that's just jokes without any sentimental parts. Are the days of "South Park needs to spend more time developing it's mythology" behind us?

So by whipping yourself into such a frothing hysteria about a movie you haven't seen and ranting about how it's Nazi sleaze (or worse!!), how are you any different from the parents in the 80s that thought horror movies and heavy metal albums were Satanic sleaze that was corrupting the youth?

So when Hilary wins the nomination are the guys like you gonna change your tune completely and act like you don't think she's the devil, or will you just stop caring and not vote?