
Smug xenophobic reply, and you didn't bother correct the article. Maybe if Americans cared to learn anything about the rest of the world beyond the stereotypes found in cartoon shows your country wouldn't be such a Trump electing disaster.

"What fuckface-ish things to say, you elitist prick. Pitchfork is that way."

"Strokes are known to most music fans" — puts them one above Ryan Adams already.

Kate Bush is in no position to throw stones when it comes to stealing titles from other famous works.

Think of how much more intelligent and sophisticated we are than any other animal on the planet. How's that working out for them?

You can't compare weather delays to being randomly singled out and told to leave a seat you paid for, and you can't compare the travel plans of a doctor to those of a man who leaves 10,000 comments on the Av Club.

Not all genres are equal. The best overpriced cash grab is still an overpriced cash grab.

Dateline: AV Club Offices, March 30th, 2017

King is kind of Spielberg's mirror image in that he's a writer primarily known for horror and people forget how sentimental a lot of his best stuff is.

Haha, I love it when someone is so smug but completely wrong. Film only covers 3 years, it's right there in the review. No flashforwards to her as a grown woman.

B+? Sorry Dave, you're as good as Michael Che, but you're no Jen Kirkman.

Rule of thumb: People who declare themselves the "winner" of arguments over movies are human garbage.

Impossible to find old thinkpieces from 2012, but there definitely were a lot of people speculating the MCU movies were running out of steam. Thor grossed 180 mil on a 150 mil budget, which is not bad but hardly amazing. Captain America did about the same. And Iron Man 2 made less than it's predecessor. There was no

The real issue is that even in the face of total defeat and humiliation liberals can't get over our addiction to being smug. While it's fun to think a tv show can hurt the feelings of the President (and it can) in the end it's only playing into his game.

People young enough to have grown up on South Park voted overwhelmingly for Hilary.

I always thought it was more liberals who misunderstood South Park and only saw what they wanted. They've done episodes about how global warming is a hoax, transgender people are disgusting, there should be no hate crime laws, smoking bans are anti-freedom etc etc. It's always been a conservative show.

It wasn't really for you. I'm sorry you felt you had to endure it to be part of the conversation.

Oscar season: That magical time when people who don't really care about cinema come together to bitch about how films they only watched because they were nominated for Oscars didn't deserve to be nominated for Oscars.

Maudlin doesn't mean depressing, it's more like tear-jerking and sentimental.

Haven't seen the film, but the fact that the parole was unexpected presumably means he thought he had more time. The plot could still be idiotic, but I don't think telling a violent gangster that you got his girlfriend pregnant is the obvious conflict resolver you think it is.