
Regular people who have strong feelings about Kristen Stewart baffle me. What, you watched the Twilight movies and didn't like her performance, and that made you angry? Seems like if you voluntarily choose to watch a famously bad movie some poor acting is to be expected.

Better than any of the ones on the actual site.

On paper, a lot of McConaughey's philosophical rants could read like something a teenage goth would put on reddit, but he sells the hell out of them. I think that's what he was getting at.

Well played sir.

You know they still raped all those kids right?

Pope Francis and his popularity with the internet is hilarious. Turns out the millenials were all just dying to get behind a pope. Didn't see that one coming. Reddit is going catholic before our very eyes.

The Coen Brothers True Grit is almost a scene for scene remake of the original. In fact, aside from Psycho, I can't think of a remake that changes less. It's probably a better movie, mainly cause it looks much better and the non John Wayne performances in the original are weak, but it's funny how the Coen Brothers get

If he weren't an actor or comedian, the album would never have been released.

I'm pretty sure the general Av Club consensus is rabidly pro Donald Glover, they'll just stop at saying his vanity project is album of the year and comparing him to Radiohead. You're not a brave free thinking rebel, you're just more of a fanboy then the other fanboys.

"I'm not so sure the world demands another voice condemning an Adam Sandler movie we all know is terrible."

Haha, even if you didn't mean this as a parody there's no other way to read it.

Oh, DLM fans enjoy listening to people be obnoxious. I was always baffled as to what the appeal of that podcast was, but now it all makes sense. Takes all kinds, I guess.

If you don't like steak, football, and Sofia Coppola movies maybe the problem is you're a pussy. Man up!

While monsters like Nikki Finke attempt to link Nelson Mandela's death to their trivial pop culture bullshit, heroes like Sean O'Neal attempt to link Nelson Mandela's death to their trivial pop culture bullshit. But ironically!

I thought the joke was if rap had to be Huffington Post approved, it would be boring. I'm not really seeing it as a political statement about the patriarchy or whatever.

I know Jay-Z said that about 99 Problems referring to the dog, but it's obviously not true. The first line is "if you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son", not "if you're having dog problems".

I assume you're talking about traditional Irish music, not U2. Nobody rewrites the lyrics to old trad songs because nobody gives a shit.

I assume an actual poll on the site is going to get more of a response than a student body president vote done in the comments. This might shock you, but there are many people who read this site and don't know even who Gary X is.

Hilarious that he thinks anyone would give a shit. "The public's thirst for more Harlan Ellison cannot be sated! We already read the first 1,700 works, we need more!"

Also, I hear at the end you just die, and then you're dead forever. Real suckfest.