
Really? I would've thought last year was better for music, Frank Ocean and Kendrick Lamarr and so on. What makes this year so good?

I thought it was Dan Harmon playing Rick.

Explains why she's friends with you. Burn!

Complete History of You is amazing. It's also the only episode not written by Brooker, so it mostly avoids his tendency towards heavy handed preachiness.


To be fair, let's not lump people who don't listen to hip-hop in with Childish Gambino fans. You can not listen to hip-hop and still be a decent human being with taste in other areas of your life. Childish Gambino fans are basically monsters.

So I guess his label caved on the December release date then. Public emotional blackmail, it works!

Sociopath and pyschopath mean the same thing. The difference is something people just make up for themselves based on how the two words sound, kind of like nerd and geek.

I always wanted third movie where they team up and solve mysteries.

That's your problem. You were an adult when this came out. The people getting nostalgic about Adam Sandler were 12.

Hopefully CK's material about how there's lots of less fortunate people in the world and we should care about them won't seem daring and radical in the future.

The asshole song he stole from Louis CK. He probably stole from some non legendary stand ups as well, you just don't hear about it.

Unless you went to high school on Mars, at least some of the types of kids you knew are represented in Dazed and Confused.

You went to In The Name of The Father before Groundhog Day?

If you think the characters in Dazed and Confused are completely unlikable you must have hated everyone you went to high school with. Sounds like your real problem's with people, not the movie.

Where's the newswire piece on James Franco reviewing Spring Breakers? You're letting The Dissolve scoop you on the Franco updates?

Don't try to drag anyone else into it, this is your shame. It's more the fact that you won't acknowledge what you did when called on it that's so incredible.

Haha, no way, you're seriously trying to deny that having people see that comment you made 2 years ago that got a lot of likes played no part in your decision? You expect anyone to believe bragging was not a part of it? The only person you could possibly fool into believing it was a humble coincidence is yourself. And

No, but seriously. Before you did it, did you think "this is pretty arrogant, but I'm gonna do it anyway" or did you think "I've given myself enough cover that no one's gonna notice the arrogance"? Cause it's beyond a humblebrag, but not quite a straight up brag.

Okay, so you not only remember a comment you made two years ago that got a lot of likes (to the point you maybe have it's url saved on your computer, for quick access), but you felt this was a good excuse to post it again, so people can bask anew in your two year old joke.