
But that's all nonsense. Two and a Half Men when Charlie Sheen was on it was probably the darkest show on television (it was crap, but dark crap). It should be noted that he considers being an atheist makes someone a "REAL dark" character. His twitter wasn't dark at all. Then he says that the problem is that Shatner

Yeah, fuck this guy. "I don't think the multi-camera sitcom format is capable of capturing the subtlety and sophistication of my fucking twitter account".

True Romance isn't really that similar to Badlands, but with the music and the voiceover at the start, it's like Tony Scott deliberately tried to come across as shameless rip-off.

Christian Slater had a pretty decent career in the early 90s despite being a terrible actor and bottomless charisma hole. Somewhere there's a Jack Nicholson impersonator doing parties for 20 bucks a pop and thinking "that should have been me!"

Director of Unaccompanied Minors makes bad movie shocker!

God forbid anyone shares their knowledge of films in an interview on a fucking film site.

Narrator Returns at a comedy show:

Is Mad Men ever going to explain the real mystery of the show: why would anyone ever want to have sex with Pete Campbell?

It's June man, you've missed the boat on Girls discussion. Did it really take you 3 months to come up with that analysis?

The on the spectrum writer of Xkcd already turned part of his house into a ball pit years ago. The results were less whimsical and more a hideous monument to a wasted life/ hideous reminder of how much money the guy must have been making from doing a stick figure comic.

Oh come on, don't act like Lewinski was the only strange Clinton was getting. That was during a government shut down. There was no one else around! It was either that or fuck his security detail.

I feel bad that my post started such a bitchfest. I know I didn't start the post IMHO, but I thought it was pretty clearly my opinion. I don't think I'm the God of acting with ultimate authority over what is good.

A lot of people are going to say that his performance as Tony Soprano is one of the best performances of all time. Fuck that, it is the best performance of all time.

If you really want a feminist problem in the book industry, you could be upset about how women authors writing books aimed at women tend to get ignored by the media, no matter how popular they are. Like, who the shit is Sylvia Day? I don't know, but Entwined With You, the latest in her series of romance novels, is the

Women are by far the biggest demographic for all books, trashy or literary. It's Hollywood that doesn't give a shit about you.

Everyone with a twitter account watches Girls.

I don't know why you don''t think nasty, kinky 3 dimensional sexuality is exactly what they'll be looking for. I'm pretty sure the book isn't exactly subtle.

Oh, okay, so the jist of your post was just "nuh-uh, I would too defend Tosh if he said this". Obviously I didn't expect you to admit you were a hypocrite (self awareness and hypocrisy are rarely found together in a person), it was unnecessary for you to clarify that for me.

If you think this is bad, be glad you never saw Goodfellas. The characters there not only use foul language, they actually commit murder. Murder! What kind of role models are those for young people?

Wait, so you don't have a problem with Harmon's joke or Tosh's joke? Then why did you make a comment that defended Harmon's joke and condemned Tosh? I'm not even snarking anymore, I'm genuinely curious why you so aggressively defended a position you don't actually agree with.