
Isn't it an amazing coincidence that the people you like always seem to manage to not cross the irrefutable moral line that must absolutely never be crossed? I'm sure if Tosh had made that rape comparison you'd be first in line to defend him.

I wonder will all the people who took a brave moral stand against Daniel Tosh boycott Community season 5 now?

I would watch a whole movie of just Bill Murray's face as he listens to a crazy drunken voicemail from Dan Harmon.

The plot wasn't so much convoluted as incoherent, full of people saying and doing dumb things and expecting us to care about characters that hadn't been set up properly (Fishburne's "oh no, we have to save Jenny!" subplot being the best example).

In the final fight Zod was only looking to kill Superman, if Superman had flew out into the middle of a desert Zod would have followed him. But no, Superman thought it'd be more fun to destroy a whole city.

I looked at the first blog linked to in that article attacking Taylor Swift, and the links in the sidebar included "Unfortunate Photos of Kristen Stewart", "Brad Reveals Angelina's Most Disgusting Secret", "What NOT to Wear on a Date" and "7 Attitudes of Successful Daters".

It's harder to mock people when they're succeeding. Like you could make a joke similar to the one above about them "smashing the system" but it wouldn't work because they did actually smash the system.

I hear at Dissolve they send a town car to pick up the interns every morning and everyone gets a laptop made of gold.

I'm Irish too, so you've insulted me twice today O'Neal, you big uncle Tom. Not to mention that shit your clann pulled on my clann in 1754.

He played the long game.

I'm still waiting for the newswire on those Black Swan interns who sued Fox. You made fun of them and their hopeless case mercilessly when they filed it, but now they've won, and I don't hear a thing. I want a report on those heroes, and how Av Club's gonna have to start paying it's interns whether it cuts into

Ha, "the way this movie suggested that life has meaning really annoyed me" has to be the most Av Club-ish Av Club comment of all time.

I don't think there's anything snobby or pretentious or even intelligent about Tree of Life. I just think it's stupid movie for filthy hippies. If you'd call that kid in American Beauty crying over a plastic bag in the wind pretentious then I guess it's pretentious.

I call bullshit on that. The reviews so far have been very mixed, I don't know if there's a single one that could really be called a rave.

Agreed, but can we stop calling people the worst generation? When did we decide all the people born in a random 20 year period need to be ranked against all the people born in another random 20 period?

I think you can write interesting stories about the implications of being God-like without actually being God, having incredible power but not really knowing what to do with it, and voluntarily binding yourself by the rules of a society of people who are basically like ants to you.

I dunno, I think focussing on Superman as an average Kryptonian coming to a strange planet and then fighting other Kryptonians is how they tried to make him relatable. In theory, that could work quite well. Trying to make Superman your average joe never works, because we all know that he's actually Superman.

Ugh, there's some serious hipster contrarism going on if people are saying Clark Kent falling over and pushing his glasses to his face 500 times is less tedious than Superman having a flying space battle with aliens.

So, basically Captain America then?

Whoa, I wouldn't trust these new Av Club reviewers with safety scissors, but let's not go looking to Aintitcool for advice. Didn't they love Iron Man 2, Matrix Revolutions and the 4th Indiana Jones movie? They're just a bought and paid for hype machine that'll gush over whatever they're told to.