
"Stop! Go away! No one even likes you! Nuh-uh!"

Truth bomb: Ramesses II would be blown away by films.  He would probably trade you a whole pyramid for a film. Wouldn't even have to be a particular good film, even if all you had with you was Blue Crush or Jerry Maguire I'd say you'd still get a pyramid.

Yeah, something happened. You stopped being 12. I'm sure there's 21 year olds right now wondering what happened to the hilarious Adam Sandler of Anger Management, and in another 10 years there'll be people pining for the glorious days of Grown Ups. We all get older, but

I thought Isbell was the best member of DBT, but I found his solo albums disappointing. For the people saying this is a great album: did you like his other solo albums and think this on a par with them, or is it a significant step up?

Stupid foreign people! None of the political protests my college friends did ever made a difference, therefore the whole concept is dumb and has never and will never work. If there's one thing history has shown it's that the political system in Russia can never be

Red Newsroom:

I call bullshit, the real George R.R. Martin would never write an ending that upbeat.

I never got why people thought Terriers was such an awful title that killed the show. It's not a very good title, but it's not a Better Off Ted holocaust either. Mad Men and Breaking Bad are both kind of dopey titles until you get used to them, but those shows did alright.

Instant streaming on netflix 2 months after it's limited release, looks like his self distribution plan is really paying off.

This should be the start of a new gimmick commenter who posts poorly worded jokes. 'The horse is in the bar and the bartender doesn't like horses and the horse says "why?" and the bartender says "because of the long face"'.

It was generous of Kayla Reed to leave this joke for the commenters.

Way to miss the point and not offer the insight people were looking for Benson, you dirty fucking hippy.

I'm so fucking ashamed that I got Captain Dada's incredibly obscure podcast interview reference. I haven't read any Faulkner and I wouldn't be positive I could correctly point to India on a map, but I apparently know Marc Maron interviews off by heart.

The Red Wedding was actually based on something the Murphy clann pulled on the O'Briens in 1786, so that might be it.

"The characters mostly pursue sexual relationships with little consequence"
Unless you count their father's dying horrible deaths.

Then who did shoot him?

In Parks and Recreation, Rob Lowe's character's catchphrase is LITERALLY saying LITERALLY like that in every sentence. I never liked it, but the majority of commenters on this site find it delightful and will LITERALLY quote it whenever they can.

True, the overuse of literally is very annoying, but how come when Rob Lowe does it you all love it?

Fuck this Robb Stark bashing. Guy just had bad luck. He won every battle, was obviously a tactical genius (Tywin's supposed to be a great general and the smartest guy in Westeros, but we saw in season 2 how frustrated he was with Robb kicking his ass at every turn) and his only real blunder was not marrying Frey's

I hate the way idiots on the internet don't understand hyperbole. None of these people are actually suicidal about tv show, they're just really into it, and they're expressing that. They're no different from the tv club comments on the episode, turn off your default contempt.