
The real problem with this feature is that they're recommending one song at a time. It should be a weekly feature with a bunch of different recommendations on the same page, different genres, maybe some old, some new. This is silly, cause I gotta click on a thing and then read a thing, all to listen to one song? What

Bull fucking shit. She's made precisely one movie with Baumbach since they started going out, and she's probably more famous than him anyway. It would as accurate to say Noah Baumbuch will always get to keep making movies so long as his girlfriend agrees to star in them.

You're deluding yourself if you think that's not what's going to happen. Everything they've done up to this point has been the actions of people who really want Ted to meet the mother as late in the show as humanely possible. Maybe he'll meet her at the end of the third last episode and then there'll be a two parter


Since Ted is an awful person, I think it'd be great if the whole season is setting up the mother as an annoying douchette, so we can see how they're perfect together.

Except that's not what they're going to do. He's only going to meet the mother in the last episode. The other 21 episodes will be like the first 10 minutes of the romantic comedy plot you're describing.

I hope you were smoking clove cigarettes and listening to Leonard Cohen as you typed that. I'm also imagining the younger, foolish you you speak of was 15, and you are now a wise and weary 19 year old.

That video made her 10 times more likeable to me. She always seemed like a prim, charity black tie event, Huffington post guest article writing, Johnny Cash nagging, dead eyed Hollywood bitch to me. This reveal that she's actually a crazy rambling drunken mess who hates the fuzz makes her much more relatable.

It's funny how so soon after mocking Fx for diluting their brand and splitting into a comedy and drama channel, Av Club has basically split into separate tv and film sites. I do think I'd end up reading a site with good film reviews over Todd's in depth business analysis

She only broke out of mumblecore and into proper movies 3 years ago, that's not enough time for anyone to be stuck in a rut, especially when it's not like Damsels in Distress was this giant hit and we all got sick of constant Greta Gerwig everywhere.

Oh lord, how terrible. Where else on the internet are you going to find places to talk about Star Trek?

I'd find it hilarious if they changed formats specifically to fuck over a commenter play acting at being a staff writer, but it seems more likely they don't know or care about what he writes and it's just a coincidence.

Could also be quotes from a Dane Cook review. Only difference between Pete Holmes high energy joke-free bullshit and Dane Cook's high energy joke-free bullshit is Pete Holmes is "nice". But I never disliked Dane Cook because he's an asshole, I didn't like him because he's not funny. Comedians have to be funny! Loudly

Yeah, but he's only made one film since then (which I liked), it's not like he's been cranking out duds. You sound like those haters saying Dre fell off when his last album was the Chronic.

Poor Tiger Woods. All he did was fuck around a bit, and now he's doomed forever to get lumped in with cyber legged murderers and the holocaust.

Except that being a police officer is one of the more important jobs a person can do, and involves a lot of judgement calls and quick thinking, with people's lives potentially in your hands. So ideally you'd want those people to be intelligent. I'm sure there's a lot of grind and tedium in being a doctor too, but you

So basically the problem with NBC is their heart's not in the terrible crap they're making.

FX is planning a sitcom written by Charlie Kaufman. I have to believe that will be great and save the medium.

That's solid reasoning though, isn't it? The dumbest comedies currently on television are also the most successful.

NBC's gonna get you Av Club and EW geeks after school for squealing.