
Wasn't the girl a reporter who was supposed to be doing a story on how Tony Stark is an evil arms trader and the worst guy in the world, and then she goes ahead and fucks anyway? And hadn't she already insulted Pepper before she got called trash, treating her like the maid or something, maybe implying that she was

There's a couple of big differences between the two. While a lot of people would have had sympathies for Carlos's causes, just not his methods, I've never met anyone who has sympathy for the cause Bin Laden was fighting for.

You shut up about Khal Drogo! He was awesome, and the character I'd most like to see reappear as a white walker (I loved Ned too, but he'd be a shit zombie, he'd refuse to eat brains because of honour or some nonsense).

Time Out Chicago means nothing here, son. If we cared about what Time Out Chicago thought we'd be reading Time Out Chicago. This guy's new fish till he comes up with an amusing feature idea like Year of Flops.

Doesn't Fox News do enough stupid bullshit that you don't have to get offended that they didn't get hysterical over a stupid album cover? Just watch Fox News for 20 minutes and you'll find something worse than your imaginary scenario.

It's not bad, but it's not great either. And in your heart you kind of know that although it sounds alright, it's actually just shite.

You're still that kid in school who if he did something stupid would go "uh obviously I did it on purpose as a joke! Duh!" aren't you?

It'll be just like after Dan Harmon got fired and then Community was better than ever!

You can't afford to proofread if you want to get that prime 12th comment real estate, you gotta shoot from the hip.

I remember when the commenters on this site used to be the kind of people who would get an obvious joke when they saw it. Now they're the kind of people who think calling someone's username stupid is a burn. I'm waiting for E Buzz to call someone a Marvel fanboy or go "with a post that stupid you probably like Fox

Nothing happened in Season 2? Aside from the parks department getting shut down in the season finale and two new characters introduced, Leslie had a whole relationship arc with Louis CK, Andy went from living in a hole to working in the building, April and Andy went from characters who had no scenes together to being

Little known fact: Bob Seger had a long standing rivalry wth Gene Hackman and actually wrote the song Night Moves specifically to fuck over this movie and have people assume forever that it's some nostalgic coming of age story.

Juno's not a great movie, but countless people on the internet like @avclub-7399a8aa203c68565ff7196769deadc6:disqus using it to vent their obvious issues with women makes me want to like it more, just cause I don't want to be on their side.

We only care about stupid bullshit like this when it involves an actress we want to have sex with! WHAT PART OF THIS AREN'T YOU GETTING?!!*!

I'm not disagreeing with the conclusion this review comes to neccesarily, but "the collection’s lyrical conceit is disappointingly vague" is not a valid criticism for a rock album. It's like criticising a poem by saying "it has weak imagery and also you can't dance to it."

The whole argument is that if you let the weak die then the cable shows
will die too, because they're not strong, and they only survive from the
cover network shows give them.

I think we have to file this with the "Tony Lives" fanaticism as an example of Av Clubbers deliberately picking a far out crazy misreading of something to be different.

The clothes they have Don wear in these recent seasons are depressing, it's like if they had a season of Justified where Raylan got really into hipster scarves.

Springsteen. Maybe not gruff, but definitely hyper-masculine. Also Johnny Cash? Don't know he'd have described himself as liberal, but he was soft on crime and big on social justice. Against the war on Vietnam. I'd say the shoe fits.

I remember when all shows were promoted as hit shows, and in interviews they'd ask the actors "what's it like being on a hit show?" and then when they got cancelled you were surprised. I think that's better than what we have now. Show's like Happy Endings get this aura of failure around them and it becomes a self