
Dave Chapelle would be an incredibly lazy but potentially awesome choice.

"preposteriously[sic] stupid", "colossally, ineptly wrong": these are words of anger.

Ha, someone who's still angry about a two year old article telling him to stop being angry at a series of children's films. You should try stepping outside once in a while, you'll find there's a whole world out there full of things to get angry about.

Spectacular display of cowardice and revisionism there Narrator Returns. You're worse than 20 Pol Pots.

It is a trailer, there's really no such thing as a naturalistic trailer (except maybe the one for Blue Valentine). Just be glad they didn't put in Inception noises. "We met 16 years ago" BWWWWAAAAAARRRRRAAAAAANNNNNNN

They made that movie. It was called A Scanner Darkly.

He's so bad the New Yorker had to hire Anthony Lane, an actual unfunny parody of a film critic, to attempt to distract from his terribleness by being deliberately terrible. And it still didn't work.

Dissing right wing pundits on the Av Club, I think we know who should be first on next week's inventory: 7 Bravest Comments Made by Brave Men.

Born Standing Up has an unbelievable amount of bragging and name dropping for someone who is already very famous and successful. I felt a bit embarrassed for him and his insecurity, it's like "you don't have to try so hard to impress me Steve, I already bought your book."

After On a Friday and before Radiohead they were Handsome Ed Plus Four.

Do we really want a President who can't even tell the difference between a chicken and a baby?

You're not going to out-hippy me you fucking hippy.

I think it's hilarious that with the new Star Trek film coming out all people want to ask the director about is Star Wars. Star Trek is officially the less hot friend of the Star franchises.

If he made an original movie no one would go see it.

Maron says that was Stewart in a Rolling Stone interview.

He's already got the big meal descriptions mapped out, it's just the stuff around it he needs to fill in.

Honestly, a Bon Jovi fan is probably much more likely to enjoy the new Bon Jovi album than a Bowie fan is likely to enjoy the new Bowie album.

I liked when stadium megastars Cake went to number 1 by selling twelve albums.

ITT: HipsterDBag tries to explain how, to him, seven years ago counts as recently, and it's everyone else who's weird for thinking seven years is a significant amount of time.

"Mark Strong? I thought I was Elias Koteas?"
"It says here you're Christopher Meloni."