
Are any of those AIDS soldiers named Bart Simpson? If not, there's no story.

I worry about Robert Downey Jr now that he's Mr. Movie Star. I thought when Iron Man became huge it was gonna give him the freedom to do lots of cool stuff, but he doesn't seem interested in doing anything other than big action franchises, and he really seems to be phoning it in lately. He was honestly doing better

Thing is, it's not like the press are forcing the show down the internet's throats, there's huge interest in it. Look at the amount of comments it gets on this site, it's one of the most popular shows, and sites like Huffington post run Girls opinion pieces as obvious

At this point, a "Talking Girls" panel show that just discussed that night's episode of Girls would get better ratings than Enlightened and Girls put together.

Yeah, if I had one of the greatest passages ever written just sitting in my back pocket, I wouldn't waste it on my stupid movie character.

Hairy Cruise's worldview, boiled down:

Would you say it's the moment the needed but not the one they deserved?

Lena Dunham tweeted ages ago, presumably when she was writing this episode, about Judd Apatow encouraging her not to be afraid of romance. I'd say the last scene had Apatow's fingerprints all over it, he loves the big romantic comedy ending. I thought it worked though.

The comments on the episode reviews are so relentlessly positive and ridiculously enthusiastic about even the most mildly funny jokes (April singing Time after Time was the BEST THING EVER OMG I WANNA LISTEN TO IT FOREVER AMAZING!) that it's like a cult. You're a braver man than most if you dared post something

That may not be how tv works, but I don't see why it's accepted that network sitcoms are all going to come to screen half assed and all over the place, and as their run goes on they'll maybe figure out what works and write to that. You can have characters that are fully fleshed out before the

Far too many people who would consider themselves liberal use "oh, you're probably secretly gay" as an insult. I'd love to hear you justify how that joke isn't homophobic.

This is what I came for. Way to bury the lead, Av Club!

@avclub-88255446e9afeb90be21aa3ee9e7bd7d:disqus Any professional comedian will tell you there are a million factors other than a person not liking their joke that will lead to them not laughing.

It's not so much that there needs to be a backlash, more that every time he sneezes it doesn't need to be a newswire piece.

You can, absolutely. Just like you're more likely to laugh if the people around you are laughing, you're more likely to laugh at someone who's made you laugh before. If a comedian that you like and is making you laugh and a comedian that you're not enjoying both tell the same joke, you're much more likely to laugh at

Ugh, I hate that there are now people coming to the site who think the reviews are a waste of space and want the stupid internet videos bits moved to a more prominent place. This used to actually be a whole site about film and music criticism, you know?

Ha, relax, I like the show sometimes, I just found your frustration that the reviews don't explore the themes and mood of the episodes like it's a Tolstoy novel hilarious.

Lemme review every episode of You Made It Weird:

Boo! You shit on Charlie Day and you actually like Charlie Day? You just shit on him because the opportunity presented itself? Boo! You're what's wrong with America.

I think if you linked to your blog, everyone would attack you for whoring, and posting one link is actually much less obnoxious than posting a big long thing.