
Crazy Stupid Love's twist is like a double twist. There's the twist, and then there's the meta twist of "you weren't expecting a romantic comedy to have a shocking twist were you? What a twist!"

I would say Catch 22's best passages are at the end. Or at least the last third. Is that a controversial opinion? I thought that was how everyone felt.

When you say "universal early reviews" are you referring to your friends? Cause Brokeback Mountain got rave reviews from nearly every critic.

"Cumulative box office is not a great means of determining how good an actor is, but it's a pretty good one for determining how famous they are."
So by your logic, Anthony Daniels is more famous than Bill Murray.

"$4 million or Piz will survive the movie!"

So when you looked at her imdb page and saw she'd been in the new wizard of Oz movie, Brokeback Mountain, Blue Valentine, Shutter Island, My Week with Marilyn, and hit tv show Dawson's Creek, did you think "oh, I guess she has been in a lot of famous movies I'm aware of, it's a weird coincidence that I haven't seen

Thing is, if reforming America's education system only cost 2 million, of course they'd raise the money in a day. Zuckerberg gave 100 million to the school system in just one area and that still was still a drop in the ocean. People donate billions to cancer research

I wanna see a reverse Schindler's list where he looks at all the stupid dopes he saved and thinks about all the cool stuff he could have bought instead.

Wait, come for the adultery, stay for the sex? That makes no sense. Since when do you need a marketing hook to sell sex?

Your criticism has nothing to do with violence (it's not like they sat around drinking tea in the Sopranos) and everything to do with the fact the Shield didn't feel the need to tell the audience it's a classy, serious drama. It was never gonna be the show people chortled about at dinner parties, it was fast paced and

Comedy Central Notes:

Dr. J's right, roasts are the lowest form of entertainment. And anyone thinking Donald Trump is crying himself to sleep after Jeselnik roasted him is pretty naive. He wrote the jokes Donald Trump told too, he was basically working for him.

When you actually break it down though, Vic comes up with so many genius plans on the fly and under pressure any normal person would have an aneurysm trying to keep all that shit in their head. Don't the last 3 seasons take place over a couple of weeks?

I always enjoyed how Shane was clearly a racist from the very start, yet he's never explicitly motivated by his racism. He has plenty of other reasons to hate the basketball player aside from him being black (he's a complete asshole), and he has reasons to be threatened by Tavon, but race creeps in to all his

It would be cool, but I think it's unlikely, at least not as himself. He said before that he regretted getting so personal on WTF (or maybe it was just the crying, he is from Boston after all), I don't see him playing himself in something Maron gets to control.

Maron already appeared on Louie. He played the role of Louis CK, while Louis CK played Marc Maron. It was weird.

Women think that men are all like Jez, but secretly men are all like Mark.

Jekyll, worth the watch just for the few shots of Superhans: CIA analyst.

Americans and their teeth obsession always freaks me out. If you see someone on the street without a giant set of Tom Cruise pearly whites does it make you just wanna throw up?

I love that that speech can now apply to everyone involved in the making of Trainspotting.