
I loved the fact that the Armenians were this scary implacable threat in the early seasons, then in season 6 and 7 you finally meet them and they're the biggest bunch of dumbasses.

Whatever, you could have said "I saw the pilot and I can see why people like it but it's not for me". But instead you said "oh, I can understand how you might like it living in the dark ages of 2002" like you would say "I can understand how people were racist in the 20s".

I rationalise it that killing Terry was the event that made Vic become a bit smarter and start thinking up schemes rather than just killing all his problems away. At the end of season 1 he chooses not to kill Gilroy, so you can see already he's grown. In general season 1-4 show Vic becoming more nuanced and less

Yeah, way back in 2002, when the earth was still young.

Yeah, it's possible, but Shane loses a lot of hair as the Shield goes on, and by the end he's rocking a pretty big bald spot in the back. Then Justified comes on and it's all back.

I always liked Vic's cheesy one liners cause they're the kind of cheesy one liners you could imagine a cop like Vic actually saying, rather than the kind of one liners a group of Harvard grads in a writers room would come up with.

Haha, I love your wide eyed naivety, but I think he's had surgical enhancements. It's why Boyd's hair stood 8 feet tall in season 2.

I disagree, I think Walt's motivations are much more black and white and his descent from good to evil is much more linear. Vic's good side and his evil side are wrapped up in each other, and mostly come from the same motivations, which I think makes him a more complex

Don't you worry they'll end up feeling the same way about Calvin and Hobbes that you do about the bible?

To be fair, from the context of what he says "you can make your hero a psycopath and put in as much sex and violence as you want but comics are still stupid" it's clear he's talking about gritty superhero comics like Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns rather than Maus or something.

Isn't Calvin's Dad basically a self portrait of Watterson? A big theme of Calvin and Hobbes is his hatred of modern things in general, I think it's silly to be dissapointed in him for it. Guarantee you he's dismissive of the internet too.

Charlie looks so super rich I always just assumed he was a trust fund kid.

Nah, it's more that you're more forgiving for the alienating things the guys do. If Hannah or Marnie had given an obnoxious rant like Ray does to Patrick Wilson the comments would have been full of people calling them unforgivably awful and how can we even watch a show about these monsters. When Ray does it it's okay

I think these days being an incredibly popular stand up still makes you completely obscure to anyone outside your target audience. I'm sure when Louis CK hosted a lot of people were wondering who the hell he was.

Let's go exploring!

You realise they're gonna read this and take it as a cue to do an all anime episode. If there's a terrible anime episode I'm blaming you.

Didn't David Lynch dump Isabella Rosselini by leaving a message on her answering machine, demand no cooking be allowed in his house and have the uterus of Dino DeLaurentis's daughter mounted on his wall? I think at least some of the weird of his films is in the man.

The Av Club makes me laugh though, because, you know, it's their interfering. Going on about you're not funny any more-it's red nose day, you know. Ooh, what's more important, not ruining the one character people still like and remember me for, or some starving children?

Agreed. This has Godfather 3 written all over it.

No, it was not like watching a school play and a staff member calls your sister a cunt. And watching a shitty Oscar ceremony is not the traumatising, drive you to the brink of madness, event you're making it out to be. And no one should ever be refreshing twitter as their method for staying sane. Tell