
Given enough time all arguments on the Av Club will eventually turn into an argument about Girls.

The Rock's kids movies all cost nothing and make huge money. Tooth Fairy, Escape from Witch Mountain, these were all big hits. Journey 2: The Mysterious Island made over a hundred million. Rock's a huge kids star, you just don't hear about it much.

If he burned the money then he's still a cop who's afraid to uphold the law. If he's gonna do that he might as well take the money, the binary choice is either take a stand and say you're an honest cop or don't.

Wait, so a women finds attractive men with good jobs attractive and that forces you to join some weird misogynist cult? Using that logic women should be hijacking planes and blowing up football stadiums.

What's weird about those rules is those examples they give of what's an acceptable attack on someone. They actually encourage you to be as smug and condescending as possible.

You're so bleeding edge making Parks and Recreation references on the Av Club. You'll be making Community references next. The squares won't know what to think!

If Conan O'Brien was arrested for raping someone, the main article on the Av Club the next day would be

Official Av Club position:

I think it's funny how Gale felt he had to apologise to Louis CK after insulting the way he looks, because he knows it's rude and stupid to insult a talented person like Louis CK over something as trivial and irrelevant as his body type, but damnit he needed to use a fat male example in order to justify insulting Lena

E Buzz, didn't you promise to leave forever after you challenged Zmf to a popularity contest and lost? And yet you're still here, douching away.

You confuse bravery with shamelessness.

The attractiveness gap between Penny and Leonard is so much larger than the gap between Lena Dunham and Patrick Wilson. People are acting like Patrick Wilson is Brad Pitt or something, he seems like a fairly ordinary looking guy to me. Where as if you think in the real world having a good job is all it takes to be

I dunno, implicit in your argument is the idea that when a gross man takes off his clothes it's inherently meant to be funny (Mike Myers, Will Ferrell etc) but when a woman does it it's not. Not saying that's not true, but it does make people's objections kind of sexist.

You don't want to see her naked not because of her body but because of the character's unpleasantness? So if Betty had gotten naked in every episode of Mad Men Season 3 that would have been torture for you?

Put it this way Nielson, a professional actor should in theory be able to mimic what another actor does in a role in the same way you say a professional writer can pick up on the vibe of a show and write to it. And if they replaced one actor on the show that'd still leave another 8 or so main actors the same. So if

If rock bands can stop their songs from being played at republican conventions I think Zmf should be able to stop this flagrant misuse of NOT OPTIONAL.

When I get class envious I cheer myself up with a nice glass of clean drinking water and try to remember that most people have it much worse.

Is Hitler really controversial? I thought we'd all made up our minds about that guy.

That's fair enough. I agree that the kid in the ad comes off as an asshole, and if he did that in real life it would probably go down exactly like you said. However, Lux explicitly compares what the kid does to abuse several times, that's her whole point: that it's

"i know a head-spinning number of men who would gladly take my words "stamp out" literally when it comes to this sort of foolish, sexist bullying… but they'd ask politely if i wanted the first shot.  i'm totally cool with those men 'existing.'"